June 11
Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16),
We seek Your blessing upon the vacation bible school programs that will be appearing across this nation, and offer these programs up in praise to Your Holy Name! May the children that come together during this special occasion be touched in a Mighty way, being brought into the fold of Your sheep for eternity. Send Your Holy Ghost to dwell amongst the counselors and children, bringing a fresh anointing of the truth of the Gospel to all ears. Place each child under the feathers of Your wing to protect them from evil, and provide Your shield of Faithfulness to fight off the flaming arrows that might come against them. Encamp Your warrior angels around each church property during these weeks of dedicated training of Your future disciples. May Satan be rebuked in each Vacation bible school program, and from each session and training.
Lord, we lift Your name on high during these events, as we proclaim Your Holy Name! Let our special youth oriented worship be pleasing to You, and turn Your ears to the petitions of the children. Soften the hardened hearts, and allow each child to see the Kingdom as only a child can view it...through Your most precious Son. Please allow each adult that teaches Your word be made like a child in heart, that they might also see the Kingdom as only a child can view it. Plant the seeds during these events that will grow into wisdom and hope for this new generation, and continue to mature in the generations represented through each adult. And Father, let their ears hear the Gospel message in a way that it might permeate their hearts and minds for a lifetime. Guide each counselor in the way that they present Your message, and let them give You all praise!
In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Wally Ziolo
Christian - Servant of the Lord
Lancaster, Ohio