Pledge of Allegiance of the United States

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Today it reads:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Section 4 of the Flag Code states:

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."

Sunday, June 30, 2013


June 28

Walking Through
Posted on September 5, 2012 by katherine

Earlier this morning, I was sharing with someone about the goodness and faithfulness of God. I always look for an opportunity to share about how God walked us through our valley of the shadow of death when we lost Bryan almost 2 years ago. I’m so thankful to be able to speak out of a heart of gratitude, for making it through the most painful time in my life. I can testify that you too can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and survive.

Perhaps, you don’t have a death shadow maybe it’s just a dark place you are walking through. I want to encourage you- you can walk through and and live. I love what Psalm 23:4 GW says, “Even though I walk through the dark valley of death, because you are with me, I fear no harm.” And the Amplified says, “Yes, though I walk through the deep sunless valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for you are with me.” Did you catch what both verses said? It said you are walking through, not stopping & setting up camp, but walking through.

What is your “Valley of Death or Dark Place”? You can walk through any battle you are facing with Jehovah Yaweh’s help. Luke 10:19 “I have given you the authority to trample snakes & scorpions & to destroy the enemy’s power. NOTHING WILL HURT YOU.” Another translations says, “God gives you protection from every assault of the enemy. No one can put a hand on you, and He has given you the power to crush & trample the enemy.” Hallelujah!

Psalm 49:15MSG, “God snatches me from the clutch of death, he reaches down & grabs me.” New King James says it like this, “God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave.” And, New Living Translation says, “As for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave.”

“God says to let your soul be at rest, for He is with you. He is your hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy.” Zeph.3:17


June 28

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me of all my covetous practices (Matt. 6:14). Forgive me of all my worldly lusts and desires and the sins that they have caused me to commit (Ezek. 18:21,22; Mk. 6:12; Ps. 51:1). Forgive me of all my covetous thoughts and lustful desires that could corrupt and ruin my life (Matt. 5:27; Mk. 7:21-23; 1 Tim. 6:9). Wash me thoroughly from my covetousness and cleanse me from all my covetous thoughts, desires and actions (Ps. 51:2). Help me to overcome all covetous thoughts and desires and let them not have dominion over me (Ps. 51:9; Rom. 6:11-14). Take from my heart the worldly lusts that could destroy my soul and give me the desire for spiritual things (Col. 3:1-3). Cleanse my heart and spirit of all covetousness and ungodly desires and perfect holiness in me so I will have right thoughts and desires (Ps. 51:10; 2 Cor. 7:1; Jam. 4:7,8). Give me only what is good and permissible for me to have according to Your will (1 Jn. 2:16,17). Help me to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts (Rom. 13:14). Help me to walk in the Spirit so I do not fulfill the sinful desires of my flesh and mind (Gal. 5:16; Eph. 2:3-6). Help me to control my thoughts and my fleshly appetites and only accept thoughts and desires that are good and acceptable (2 Cor. 10:5,6; Phil. 4:7,8). Help me to abstain from, deny and crucify the fleshly lusts that war against my soul (1 Pet. 2:11; Gal. 5:24; ). I choose to covet only what is permissible for me to have and for the spiritual gifts that would enrich my life and the lives of those around me (1 Cor. 1:5; 12:31). Help me to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world (Tit. 2:11,12). I choose to be a partaker of the divine nature and escape the corrupting influences of worldly lusts (2 Pet. 1:4; 1 Jn. 2:16,17). I choose to allow the word of God to purify my heart and life (Jam. 4:7,8; 1 Pet. 1:22,23), in the name of name of Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


June 28

Question: "Why is 'You shall not covet' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer:The key to understanding this commandment is in the definition of the word “covet.” Two different Hebrew words are used in the passages condemning coveting (Exodus 20:17;Deuteronomy 5:21), and both mean “to lust after or to long for with great desire.” Since the commandments are given as “you shall not’s,” the desire in this case is for something that is not the property of the desirer and not rightfully his to long after. In this commandment, the Israelites are told not to lust after their neighbor’s possessions—his house, land, ox or donkey, or the people in his life—his wife or servants, both male and female. The Israelites were not to desire, long for, or set their hearts on anything that belonged to anyone else.

Whereas several of the commandments prohibit certain actions, such as murder and theft, this is one of the commandments that address the inner person, his heart and mind. AsJames 1:15tells us, the inner person is where sin originates, and in this case, covetousness is the forerunner of all manner of sin, among them theft, burglary, and embezzlement. At its root, coveting is the result of envy, a sin which, once it takes root in the heart, leads to worse sins. Jesus reiterated this very thought in the Sermon on the Mount when He said that lust in the heart is every bit as sinful as committing adultery (Matthew 5:28). Envy goes beyond casting a longing glance at the neighbor’s new car. Once dwelled upon, envy of the neighbor’s possessions can turn to feelings of resentment and hatred for the neighbor himself. That can turn into resentment against God and questioning Him: “Why can’t I have what he has, Lord? Don’t you love me enough to give me what I want?”

God’s reasons for condemning covetousness are good ones. At its very core, envy is love of self. Envious, selfish citizens are unhappy and discontented citizens. A society built of such people is a weak one because envious malcontents, as stated before, will be more likely to commit crimes against one another, further weakening the societal structure. Furthermore, the New Testament identifies covetousness as a form of idolatry, a sin which God detests (Colossians 3:5). In the end, envy and covetousness are Satan’s tools to distract us from pursuing the only thing that will ever make us happy and content—God Himself. God’s Word tells us that “godliness with contentment is great gain” and that we should be content with the basic necessities of life (1 Timothy 6:6-8), because true happiness is not attained by things, but by a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. By this alone do we gain that which is worthy, true, solid, satisfying, and durable—the unsearchable riches of God’s grace.

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments by Michael Horton.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 28

American Minute for June 28th:

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The Constitutional Convention was in a deadlock over how large and small states could be represented equally.

Some delegates left.

Then, on JUNE 28, 1787, 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin spoke and shortly after, the U.S. Constitution became a reality.

Franklin stated:

"Groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights...

In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection.

Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were graciously answered.

All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending Providence in our favor...

And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?"

Franklin concluded:

"We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that 'except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.'...

I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall better than the Builders of Babel."

Ben Franklin gave another address at the Constitutional Convention, 1787, titled Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy:

"Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men...ambition and avarice-the love of power and the love of money...

When united...they have...the most violent effects.

Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall, at the same time, be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it...

What kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters?

It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust.

It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits.

These will thrust themselves into your government and be your rulers..."

Franklin explained further:

"There will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able, in return, to give more to them.

All history informs us, there has been...a kind of warfare between the governing and the governed; the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less...

Generally, indeed, the ruling power carries...and we see the revenues of princes constantly increasing, and we see that they are never satisfied, but always in want of more.

The more the people are discontented with the oppression of taxes, the greater need the prince has of money to distribute among his partisans, and pay the troops that are to suppress all resistance, and enable him to plunder at pleasure.

There is scarce a king in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharaoh-get first all the people's money, then all their lands, and then make them and their children servants for ever.

It will be said that we do not propose to establish kings...But there is a natural inclination in mankind to kingly government...

They would rather have one tyrant than five hundred. It gives more of the appearance of equality among citizens; and that they like.

I am apprehensive, therefore-perhaps too apprehensive-that the government of the States may, in future times, end in a monarchy...and a king will the sooner be set over us."

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


June 27

Exodus 20:16 (The Voice Bible)

16 You are not to give false testimony against your neighbor.


June 27

To Judge or Not
Posted on March 2, 2012 by katherine

James 4:11-12(NLT) says, “Don’t speak evil of each other… So what right do you have to judge your neighbor”?

Don’t you just love when people judge you? No! No one likes to be judged. We judge in so many different ways: not knowing the whole story, the way a situation was handled or not handled correctly or past lifestyle choices. Or, have you been guilty of judging someone because they didn’t meet up to your expectations? The Bible says, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Those are harsh but necessary words.

Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”

God we ask that you help us to be more compassionate, forgiving, gentle, kind, loving, and patient. Let us speak words of life instead of words of judgement. We lift up our eyes to you Lord, not to concentrate on judging others but to let you be the judge. We want hearts that are forgiving without finding fault, not looking for the speck in others. Help us to find good in those whom others have written off.

Lord, I pray that you would bring healing to those who have been judged. Let them sense your sweet presence of love towards them now, no matter what they have done. Thank you Lord for your love and forgiveness. And, thank you for not judging us when we should have been judged. Your mercy, O God, endures forever!

Let this verse be your life mission statement, Colossians 4:6 MSG “..Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.”


June 27

Father of all truth,

We come before You this day with joy in our hearts for the truth that You are our almighty Father. That the truth of Your son has set us free, and that the evil one's lies are silenced against Your people. As we contemplate Your 9th commandment today, help us to see and speak the truth in all situations. Forgive us for any false testimony that we may have unknowingly given against another. We wish to be speakers of the truth in all matters, as You have commanded us. Help the temptation of the enemy to lie and bear false witness be far from our hearts and minds, and keep us pure in all that we say. We thank you for placing us in a family of unshakable witness, and strive to be worthy of this great honor in all that we do.

In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen!


June 27

Question: "Why is 'You shall not give false testimony' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer:Part of the Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, this 9th commandment forbids the Israelites from bearing false witness or giving false testimony against one another (Exodus 20:16;Deuteronomy 5:20). To bear false witness against others is to lie about them, especially for personal gain. The Hebrew word translated “neighbor” in this commandment can mean an associate, a brother, companion, fellow, friend, husband, lover, or neighbor. In other words, the Israelites were commanded to be truthful in all things, but especially when speaking about another person. The people were not to lie publicly, as in a court of law by laying at another’s feet any false charge that could injure him, nor were they to lie privately by whispering, talebearing, backbiting, slandering, or destroying his character by innuendos, sly insinuations, and evil suggestions.

The reasons for God’s prohibiting lying and testifying falsely against one’s neighbor are three-fold. First, God’s people are to reflect God’s character. Jehovah is a truthful God who does not and cannot lie.Numbers 23:19tells us, “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” The people who were called by God’s name and who represented Him in the heathen world were expected to accurately reflect His character. Lying to or about one another brought reproach upon His holy name, and this He would not tolerate. Second, bearing false witness against another was destructive to the individual who was the victim of the lie, and he suffered by it in his character, credibility and reputation, as well as in his trade and business.Leviticus 19:18makes it clear that the Israelites were to love their neighbors as themselves, a command reiterated by both Jesus and Paul (Matthew 22:39;Romans 13:9). Loving our neighbors precludes lying about them.

Third, false witness was seen as so destructive to society that courts of law, both in the days of the Israelites and today, could function only if the witnesses who were called to testify could be trusted to tell the truth. Without a trustworthy judicial system, based on eyewitness testimony from reliable, truthful witnesses, societies are at risk of the breakdown of law and order. When this happens, chaos ensues and the innocent suffer.

As noted before, the New Testament is equally condemning of false witness.Colossians 3:9-10explains the reason for the continued prohibition against lying. Christians are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and as such, we reflect His nature. We have been released from our “old self” with its evil practices such as lying and bearing false witness. As the Israelites were to reflect the character of Jehovah, Christians are to reflect to the world the character of Christ that identifies us as His own.

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments by Michael Horton.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 27

American Minute for June 27th:

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Helen Keller was born JUNE 27, 1880.

At the age of two she suffered an illness that left her blind and deaf.

Her parents took her to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell who recommended the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston.

It was there, at age of 7, that Helen Keller was taught by Anne Sullivan through the sense of touch. Anne eventually taught Helen to read Braille.

Helen Keller began attending Radcliffe College, where Anne Sullivan interpreted the lectures.

Helen became concerned about all the blind, especially those blinded in World War I or by poor working conditions.

She received numerous international honors for her efforts to help the blind.

Helen Keller learned to type on a Braille typewriter and wrote many books between 1903 and 1941, including:

The Story of My Life, 1903;
Optimism, 1903;
The World I Live In, 1908;
The Song of the Stone Wall, 1910;
Out of the Dark, 1913;
My Religion, 1927;
Midstream, 1930;
Let Us Have Faith, 1941; and
The Open Door, 1957.

Helen Keller stated:

"I thank God for my handicaps, for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God."

In the film documentary of her life, The Unconquered, Helen Keller responded to the question, "Can you see the world?":

"I can see, and that is why I can be so happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a man-made world."

On June 26, 1955, regarding reading the Bible, Helen Keller stated:

"It gives me a deep comforting sense that 'things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.'"

Helen stated:

"Just as all things upon earth represent and image forth all the realities of another world, so the Bible is one mighty representative of the whole spiritual life of humanity."

On February 5, 1955, at the age of 74, Helen Keller typed a message on a conventional typewriter during an interview with newsmen just prior to her 40,000 mile world-wide journey, much of which was by airplane:

"It's wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky. Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears."

On June 26, 1955, just a few days before her 75th birthday, Helen Keller stated:

"Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."

Helen Keller was introduced to President Grover Cleveland at age 7. She received letters from eight U.S. presidents-from Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 to Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965.

In 1961, Helen Keller met President John F. Kennedy. She received the French Legion of Honor and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom.

A statue of Helen Keller as a young girl, learning the sense of touch at a water pump, is in the U.S. Capitol from the State of Alabama.

Helen Keller concluded:

"Four things to learn in life:
To think clearly without hurry or confusion;
To love everybody sincerely;
To act in everything with the highest motives;
To trust God unhesitatingly."

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June 26

Exodus 20:15 (The Voice Bible)

15 You are not to take what is not yours.


June 26

Why Worship
Posted on September 19, 2012 by katherine

I was having lunch with a friend yesterday & the topic came up about worship. He said, “Katherine you need to tell people why you worship & why they need to worship.” While driving home from lunch, I kept thinking, “Why Worship”? Immediately, I shouted.. because we were created to worship. Worship should be our lifestyle.

For a long time, I thought I wasn’t a worshiper since I don’t play or sing. That was so far from the truth. You see, “God created all things & for His pleasure they were created.” God won’t force you to worship. Worship is not only conducted by the praise team on Sundays, Worship is your being; its who you are.. You were created to worship! So, stop waiting for the praise team to lead you into worship, stir yourself up & be ready to worship everyday of your life.

When everything was pulled out from under me after I lost Bryan, I worshiped. Worshiping God is the only thing that has gotten me through and will carry me on. And, Worshiping God is what will get you through life!

What are you worshiping to get you through a difficult time? Or are you relying on another person to lift you up, when God says, “He is the one who is the lifter of your head.” Did you know that your singing/worshiping brings Him Glory? Isaiah 43:7, “You were created for His Glory” and “You were created to set forth the praises of Almighty God.” Isaiah 43:21

Worship him when you first wake up in the morning, let His praise continually be on your lips all through the day, & let your worship be the last thing you do before going to bed.

Worship is so powerful & I believe the devil tries to steal our worship. He doesn’t want us to worship the King of Kings & Lord of Lords because he knows that chains are loosed & mountains are moved when we worship. Worship brings forth freedom, healing, and peace. I encourage you to give it a try? Most of us have tried everything else, why not worship him in Spirit & in Truth. All things grow strangely dim in the light of Him- when you worship. That is why we Worship!

Will you Praise Him in the midst of whatever you are going through and praise Him because of His faithfulness? Has God been good to you? Let’s lift our hearts and hands in worship & adoration to Him.

“Let everything that has breath and every breath of life, Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150:6


June 26

Dear Lord, You give me everything I need and more. You give me

food, clothes, and a family. You give me friends, a church, and love.

Please help me to never dishonor You by stealing. Help me to

become a giver and not a taker. Help me to have open hands, not

hands that sneak and take things. I want to be known as one of

Your special people. Thank You for making me one of Your


In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


June 26

Question: "Why is 'You shall not steal' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer: “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15) is one of the Ten Commandments people can readily recall, even though it is number eight in the Decalogue. And while there may be those who attempt to undermine the authority of the Ten Commandments by suggesting it is part of the Old Covenant, our Lord Jesus, speaking to the rich young ruler, quoted five of them, including this one (Matthew 19:18). The Ten Commandments are part of the moral law of God and, unlike the ceremonial and sacrificial laws of the Old Testament which were given to Israel, they apply to all men in all ages.

Stealing is defined as “taking another person’s property without his or her permission.” However, there are many other forms of theft. For example, taking longer over our lunch breaks at work or arriving late and leaving early are actually forms of stealing from our employers, stealing time they have paid for. Taking advantage of employers in that way indicates a lack of love for others. The apostle Paul, when discussing God’s commandments, sums up the entire law in the same way as our Lord Jesus did, with “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31;Romans 13:9). And, again like Jesus, he states that this is the fulfilment of the “Law” (Matthew 22:39-40). So, we know from such instructions that “Do not steal,” as with all of the Ten Commandments, is about “loving one another” (John 13:34-35).

Victims of theft know the horrible feeling it produces. The very act of someone taking what may have been an especially precious gift from a loved one really pierces our hearts and makes us feel vulnerable and unsafe. Theft has a tremendous impact not only on individuals, but on society as a whole. Theft disturbs societal stability and the results are feelings of fear and insecurity and a desire for revenge. One has only to look at some third world countries where laws against stealing are ignored to see how detrimental it is to the population. God’s laws are not only moral and spiritual; they are infinitely practical as well.

Christians have received tremendous physical and spiritual gifts from God, and we should desire to give back to Him all that we have. When we withhold the things that are rightly His—our time and talents, our possessions and our finances, indeed our very lives—we are in effect stealing from Him. The prophet Malachi put it this way when addressing the Israelites: “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' ‘In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse — the whole nation of you — because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it’” (Malachi 3:8-10). One day we will be judged by God and expected to give an account of what we did with the gifts God has so generously bestowed on us (Romans 14:12;2 Corinthians 5:10;Hebrews 4:13).

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments by Michael Horton.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 26

American Minute for June 26th:

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The United Nations Charter was signed JUNE 26, 1945, by 51 member nations.

With lofty goals, the name "United Nations" was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt for countries fighting the National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi) and their axis powers. The United Nations had a goal of protecting the Jews, as FDR spoke on Justice for War Crimes, March 24, 1944:

“The United Nations are fighting to make a world in which tyranny and aggression cannot exist...In one of the blackest crimes of all history-begun by the Nazis...the wholesale systematic murder of the Jews of Europe goes on unabated...Hundreds of thousands of Jews...are now threatened with annihilation as Hitler's forces descend...

The United Nations have made it clear that they will pursue the guilty...All who knowingly take part in the deportation of Jews to their death...are equally guilty with the executioner.”

On November 11, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt complimented the Jewish Theological Seminary of America:

“If the world to emerge from the war after a victory of the United Nations is to be a world of enduring peace and of freedom, that peace and that freedom must be founded on renewed loyalty to the spiritual values...

Enemies of mankind who are arrayed in battle against us realized this, and therefore began their effort to subdue the world with an assault on religious institutions...which...taught...the dignity and worth of human personality...

In cooperation with Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant will in time, I trust, become an increasingly powerful instrument for enlightening men of all faiths.”

The day after Franklin D. Roosevelt's funeral, President Harry S. Truman told Congress, April 16, 1945:

“Our forefathers came to our rugged shores in search of religious tolerance...Within an hour after I took the oath of office, I announced that the (United Nations) San Francisco Conference would proceed...

In the memory of our fallen President...I appeal to every support our efforts to build a strong and lasting United Nations Organization...with Divine guidance, and your help...I humbly pray Almighty God, in the words of King Solomon: 'Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart...'”

In April 1946, President Truman addressed United Nations delegates:

"At no time in history has there been a more important Conference than this one in San Francisco which you are opening today...We beseech our Almighty God to guide us in the building of a permanent monument to those who gave their lives that this moment might come."

The United Nations began with high hopes, as President Harry S Truman stated, March 6, 1946:

“We have just come though a decade in which the forces of evil in various parts of the world have been lined up in a bitter fight to banish from the face of the earth both these ideals-religion and democracy....founded on one basic principle, the worth and dignity of the individual man and woman. founded on the doctrine and women and children were put on earth solely for the purpose of serving the State...

The Protestant Church, the Catholic Church, and the Jewish Synagogue-bound together in the American unity of brotherhood-must provide the shock forces to accomplish this moral and spiritual awakening...Unless it is done, we are headed for the disaster we would deserve...We have tried to write into the Charter of the United Nations the essence of religion.”

One of the first acts of the United Nations was to recognize Israel as a nation.

In 1953, President Eisenhower addressed the United Nations:

"The whole book of history reveals mankind's never-ending quest for peace and mankind's God-given capacity to build."

President Eisenhower's delegate to the United Nations was Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., who sent a letter to every member state, December 30, 1955:

“I propose that God should be openly and audibly invoked at the United Nations...I do so in the conviction that we cannot make the United Nations into a successful instrument of God's peace without God's help-and that with His help we cannot fail. To this end I propose that we ask for that help.”

Lodge's proposal was not acted upon.

Nevertheless, Charles Habib Malik, President of the United Nations' General Assembly, 13th Session, who helped write the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, stated in 1958:

“The good (in the United States) would never have come into being without the blessing and power of Jesus Christ...Whoever tries to conceive the American word without taking full account of the suffering and love and salvation of Christ is only dreaming.

I know how embarrassing this matter is to politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and cynics; but, whatever these honored men think, the irrefutable truth is that the soul of America is at its best and highest, Christian.”

In subsequent years, the mission of the United Nations became increasingly unclear.

Former President Herbert Clark Hoover suggested reorganizing the United Nations in a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1950:

“I suggest that the United Nations should be reorganized without the Communist nations in it. If that is impractical, then a definite New United Front should be organized of those peoples who disavow communism, who stand for morals and religion, and who love freedom...

What the world needs today is a definite, spiritual mobilization of the nations who believe in God against this tide of Red agnosticism. It needs a moral mobilization against the hideous ideas of the police state and human slavery...

It is a proposal to redeem the concept of the United Nations to the high purpose for which it was created...It is a proposal for moral and spiritual cooperation of God-fearing free rejecting an atheistic other world.”

By June 10, 1963, President Dwight Eisenhower confided to the National Junior Chamber of Commerce:

"The United Nations has seemed to be two distinct things to the two worlds divided by the iron curtain...

To the free world it has seemed that it should be a constructive forum...To the Communist world it has been a convenient sounding board for their propaganda, a weapon to be exploited in spreading disunity and confusion."

Ronald Reagan address the United Nations General Assembly, June 17, 1982:

“Eleanor Roosevelt, one of our first ambassadors to this body, reminded us that the high-sounding words of tyrants stand in bleak contradiction to their deeds...

In these times when more and more lawless acts are going unpunished...some members of this very body show a growing disregard for the U.N. Charter...

President Truman said, 'If we should pay merely lip service to inspiring ideals, and later do violence to simple justice, we would draw down upon us the bitter wrath of generations yet unborn.'"

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Monday, June 24, 2013


June 25

Exodus 20:14 (The Voice Bible)

Eternal One: 2 I am the Eternal your God. I led you out of Egypt and liberated you from lives of slavery and oppression.

14 You are not to commit adultery.


June 25

What Is Your Story?
Posted on July 26, 2012 by katherine

Earlier today, I was at the driver’s license office. I saw an older man helping his wife fill out papers to re-new her license. And, when it was time to do the vision test, she could barely read the lines. Finally, as they were getting ready to leave, he helped her out the door and down the steps of the office.

As I watched them leave, until I could see them no more, it took me back for a few moments thinking you just never know when your time is finished here on earth. That lady is still hanging on and Bryan’s life ended way too soon. Never in my wildest dreams or thoughts, did I ever think I would be planning a funeral, picking out my husband’s casket and headstone.

Both Bryan and that lady have a story about their lives. What will your story be when you breathe your last breath and your life is over? Will they say you were a lover of God or a lover of this world? I want my story to go something like this: Katherine was a True Worshiper of The Most High God. Every breath was for Him!

What will your family & friends say about you? I have to ask you again, what is your story? Don’t let the devil tell you that you have plenty of time to change. We all know that tomorrow isn’t promised. Just last week, we saw how quickly lives can change. One-minute people were just going to see a movie & the next minute they were fighting for their lives.

Let today be the day, you decide you will be a true worshiper of Jesus- no more living for the moment, giving into temptation, or barely having a relationship with Him. Lord, we offer our lives to you. We pray that You God would write our life story for Your Glory. We live to Worship you! We know there is no greater joy than knowing & serving You!


June 25

I am thankful that You have made a provision, so that today _________ and I can lived filled with the Spirit of God with love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faithfulness, and self control in our lives. I recognize that this is Your will for _________ and I. I therefore reject and resist all the endeavors of satan to rob _________ and I of the will of God.
Heavenly Father, I pray that now and through this day You would strengthen and enlighten _________ and I. Show _________ and I the way satan is hindering, tempting, lying and distorting the truth in our lives. Enable _________ and I to be the kind of persons that would please You. Enable _________ and I to be aggressive in prayer and in trusting You. Enable _________ and I to be aggressive mentally, to think about and practice Your Word, and to give You Your rightful place in our lives.


June 25

Question: "Why is 'You shall not commit adultery' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer:Before we can answer this question, we need to be clear on the definition of adultery. The dictionary defines “adultery” as “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.” The Bible would concur with this definition. InLeviticus 18:20, God told Moses, “Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor's wife and defile yourself with her,” and inDeuteronomy 22:22, we find a similar definition: “If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.” It is clear from these definitions that adultery refers to a consensual sexual union. What is not explicitly clear is whether or not both partners in this illicit sexual union are married. The biblical commands prohibit a man from taking another man’s wife, but do not indicate whether or not the man is also married. Be that as it may, it is safe to say that if a person who is married willingly seeks a sexual encounter with another person, whether or not that person is also married, both people are guilty of committing adultery.

God’s reasons for instituting His commandment against adultery are two-fold. First, God established the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24; reiterated by Jesus inMatthew 19:5and parallel passages). God created marriage to be the building block of His creation and of society. Even after the fall (Genesis 3), marriage is still a sacred union and the foundation for society. In marriage, the full expression of the image of God is made manifest as the man and the woman complement and complete each other. The Bible also teaches us that marriage is the vehicle through which God designed the procreation of the human race and the preservation of godly offspring (Genesis 1:28,9:1;Malachi 2:15). With such a premium placed on marriage, it’s no wonder God would seek to protect this union from defilement (Hebrews 13:4), and thus prohibit adultery, which is the violation of the sacred marriage union.

The second reason for the commandment is found inLeviticus 18:1-5. As God’s chosen people, the Israelites were to reflect God’s character in the Promised Land. God commanded His people to be holy for He is holy (Leviticus 11:44), and part of holy living is sexual purity. God did not want His people emulating the behavior of the Egyptians from whom He delivered them, nor did God want His people copying the behavior of the people into whose land He was bringing them. The implication was that adultery (and other sexual sins) was commonplace in the lands where the Israelites had been and were going to.

So now we know what adultery is and why God instituted this command. Finally, we need to learn what God meant by the command itself. As with all of the Ten Commandments, there are things we need to avoid doing (the negative part of the command) and things we need to be doing (the positive part of the command). The negative part of the command is self-explanatory: Do not commit adultery. However, there is more to this command than the simple avoidance of extramarital relationships. One can make the argument that wrapped up in this prohibition are all sorts of sexual sin (e.g., incest, fornication, homosexuality, etc.), and that argument can be made on the basis of chapters such as Leviticus 18. Also important is avoiding things that would lead or tempt one to consider adultery, such as the unnecessary withholding of conjugal rights (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, made further clarification of this command (Matthew 5:27-30) by including all kinds of lustful thoughts. Fantasizing about having sexual relations with someone is the same, in God’s eyes, as actually committing adultery. Therefore, we must avoid all things that would create within us lustful thoughts (e.g., suggestive songs, sensuous movies, pornography, etc.). We should also avoid immodest clothing or anything that might cause a brother or sister in the Lord to stumble in this area (1 Timothy 2:9;1 Peter 3:3).

The positive part of the command would entail doing the opposite of what the command prohibits: chastity in body, mind, words and action; keeping watch over what we take in with our eyes and the other senses; an attitude of temperance and self-control (i.e., moderation); being discerning over the company we keep; dressing modestly; and fulfilling our marriage vows in regards to sexual relations and cohabitation. Regarding sexual sin, the Apostle Paul said, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18). When it comes to sexual sin, the best course of action is to remove ourselves from temptation and avoid such situations altogether.

Adultery is the complete corruption of God’s good creation of marriage. Through the sin of adultery, Satan tempts us to seek sexual fulfillment in avenues other than the one God has ordained—within the bounds of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. Adultery rips at the fabric of society because it tears apart marriages and families which are the building blocks of society. God’s law in general, and the 7th commandment in particular, is held up as the standard for Christian behavior.

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments by Michael Horton.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 25

American Minute for June 25th:

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"FREEDOM IS NOT FREE" is the inscription on the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

The Korean War started JUNE 25, 1950. Communist North Korea invaded South Korea, killing thousands.

Outnumbered South Korean and American troops, as part of a UN "police" action, fought courageously against the Communist Chinese and North Korean troops, who were supplied with arms and MIG fighters from the Soviet Union.

General Douglas MacArthur, who led the United Nations Command from 1950 to 1951, made a daring landing of troops at Inchon, deep behind North Korean lines, and recaptured the city of Seoul.

With temperatures sometimes forty degrees below zero, and Washington politicians limiting the use of air power against the Communists, there were nearly 140,000 American casualties in: the defense of the Pusan Perimeter and Taego; the landing at Inchon and the freeing of Seoul; the capture of Pyongyang; the Yalu River where nearly a million Communist Chinese soldiers invaded; the Battles of Changjin Reservoir, Old Baldy, White Horse Mountain, Heartbreak Ridge, Pork Chop Hill, T-Bone Hill, and Siberia Hill.

President Harry S Truman stated while lighting the National Christmas Tree, December 24, 1952:

“Tonight, our hearts turn first of all to our brave men and women in Korea. They are fighting and suffering and even dying that we may preserve the chance of peace in the world. The struggle there has been long and bitter...

And as we go about our business of trying to achieve peace in the world, let us remember always to try to act and live in the spirit of the Prince of Peace. He bore in His heart no hate and no malice - nothing but love for all mankind. We should try as nearly as we can to follow His example. We believe that all men are truly the children of God...

As we pray for our loved ones far from home - as we pray for our men and women in Korea, and all our service men and women wherever they are - let us also pray for our enemies. Let us pray that the spirit of God shall enter their lives and prevail in their lands...Through Jesus Christ the world will yet be a better and a fairer place.”

President Dwight Eisenhower’s son, John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower, served in Korea during the war. First Lady Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower stated in a conversation at the Doud home regarding him:

"He has a mission to fulfill and God will see to it that nothing will happen to him till he fulfills it."

The Korean War ended July 27, 1953, with the armistice signed at Panmunjom.

General Douglas MacArthur gave a speech to the Salvation Army, December 12, 1951, stating:

"History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

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Sunday, June 23, 2013


June 24

Exodus 20:13 (The Voice Bible)

13 You are not to murder.


June 24

Life Is Precious Handle With Prayer & Worship
Posted on September 13, 2012 by katherine

How can it be almost 2 years since the death of Bryan? And this morning, another worshiper I knew went home to be with the Lord. Sometimes, life isn’t fair. I guess I thought life was supposed to be like the movies where everything always works out & they live happily ever after…

I am learning to make the best of the life you have been given. Never take life or love for granted! Enjoy the little things, and seek to live & worship God with all that is within you.

Know that your life isn’t your own. It was bought & paid for by Christ Jesus. He bled, sweat & shed tears for you, and even in the midst of it all said, “Lord forgive them.” He forgave those who killed him even when he didn’t do anything wrong.

Lord, we choose to forgive all who have hurt, caused frustration, pain, agony, and even those who sought to kill us.. We give ourselves to you..

I keep thinking of the words of a song by William McDowell, “My Life’s not my own, to you I belong, I give myself away..”

When your life is all said & done, what will God say to you? I’m reminded of the scripture out of Mark 8:36, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world & loose his own soul?” Bryan left everything behind & so will you? He even left his most prized possessions: family, electronics & his holy & sacred IPhone 4… LOL

I encourage you to lay your life in His hands again & live whole-heartedly for Him… He wants to use you for His Glory.. You too can sing in the midst of bad things happening to you. Will you join me in singing, the Glory due His name? He is our hope and our song.. Lean on His everlasting arms.. Here we are Lord, to worship & bow down.. You are Mighty & most Worthy of our Praise!

Maybe you haven’t lost a loved one, but you’ve had some rough roads that you’ve traveled. For my 4 girls and I, the only thing that has helped us make it through such difficult times has been prayer & worship. I don’t want to sound so religious, but it’s true. Staying close to God is THE ONLY WAY we have made it. Yes, there were times & still there are times when I want to run away & never come back, all those emotions & feelings are normal. God understands our hurt, loss, and pain. I’ve learned to go directly to Him. He will carry you & you will make it!

Will you worship with me now & say, “Here we are Lord, to worship & bow down.. We worship you. You are so worthy of all the praise..” We give ourselves to you!

Your life is precious & should only be handled with prayer & worship. Live everyday strong & make everyday count for Him & His Glory.


June 24

Prayer for Those Murdered

O God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen.


June 24

Question: "Why is 'You shall not murder' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer:Simply stated, the sixth of the Ten Commandments forbids the unjustified taking of a human life. However, the commandment itself has a couple of interesting elements that bear mentioning. First and foremost, different Bible translations give the appearance of different meanings, and there is potential for misunderstanding the actual meaning of the verse. Second, man was never created for the act of murdering another, and there needs to be an explanation for such a violent and final act towards another human being. Third, because of the translational challenge, we need to understand the difference between “murder” and “killing.” And last but not least, how does God view murder? To God, murder is not just physical in nature but also the condition of one’s heart towards another.

There are two different Hebrew words (ratsakh, mut) and two Greek words (phoneuo, apokteino) for “murder” and “killing.” One means “to put to death,” and the other means “to murder.” The latter one is the one prohibited by the Ten Commandments, not the former. In fact,ratsakhhas a broader definition than the English word “murder.”Ratsakhalso covers deaths due to carelessness or neglect but is never used when describing killing during wartime. That is why most modern translations render the sixth commandment “You shall not murder” rather than “You shall not kill.” However, a very large issue can arise depending on which translation one studies. The ever-popular King James Version renders the verse as “Thou shalt not kill,” therefore opening the door to misinterpreting the verse altogether. If the intended meaning of “Thou shalt not kill” was just that—no killing—it would render all of the God-endorsed bloodletting done by the nation of Israel a violation of God’s own commandment (Deuteronomy 20). But God does not break His own commandments, so, clearly, the verse does not call for a complete moratorium on the taking of another human life.

Why does man murder? We know that we were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and we were made to live in harmony with God and with our fellow man. This harmony became impossible once sin entered into the picture (Genesis 3). With sin came the propensity for acting violently against one another. Anger, jealousy, pride and hatred can fuel man’s evil bent towards life-ending aggression. The first recorded act of murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8). From that moment on, taking the life of another has been commonplace and, in some circles of society, acceptable. However, to God every life is important, and since God knew that man was sinful and evil and had become “lawless,” He enacted guidelines that would seek to modify man’s behavior (1 John 3:4).

So, is there a difference between murder and killing? First, it is important to note that not all killing is wrong. For instance, the apostle Paul talks about the right of the state to take the lives of evildoers (Romans 13:1-7). This relates to what is commonly referred to as capital punishment. Most countries have consequences for murder. In some cases this requires the life of the perpetrator and a suitable means of putting one to death is chosen and administered (Matthew 5:21;Exodus 21:14). Another instance of acceptable “killing” is that which is done during times of war and at the command of superiors. There were quite a few instances in Scripture where God endorsed and allowed the taking of other lives (1 Samuel 11; Judges 6–7). And finally, although far from acceptable, manslaughter is yet another form of killing someone. This unintentional act apparently happened so often in biblical times that cities of refuge were designated for the manslayer to seek refuge in (Exodus 21:13; Joshua 20). Again, it was never God’s intent to have to use such a drastic measure as taking one’s life to rectify a situation. So, God does make exceptions for the taking of another’s life as long as it lines up with His will. However, premeditated murder of an individual is never God’s will.

What is murder in God’s eyes? From the human perspective, murder is the physical act of taking another’s life. However, we also must consider that God defines murder asany thought or feeling of deep-seated hatred or malice against another person. In other words, it is more than just a physical act that constitutes murder to God, who tells us that “everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15 ESV). When we harbor hatred in our hearts for another, we have committed the sin of murder in God’s eyes. The disdain towards another person never has to be demonstrated outwardly because God looks upon the heart for the truth (1 Samuel 16:7;Matthew 15:19). As Christians and as human beings, we know that unjustified killing is wrong. God’s Word is very clear on this point: “You shall not murder.” And what God says we must obey, or we face the consequences on judgment day.

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments by Michael Horton.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 24

American Minute for June 24th:

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His travels were exceeded only by Lewis and Clark.

He led expeditions up the Missouri River with such characters as keelboatman Mike Fink.

He discovered the South Pass through the Rockies and the first land route to California.

He led settlers across the Santa Fe Trail, the Mojave Desert, the Sierra Nevadas and up the Oregon Coast.

His name was Jedediah Smith, born JUNE 24, 1798.

At the age of 22, Jedidiah Smith answered an add in the Missouri Gazette, place by Missouri's Lieutenant Governor, William H. Ashley, seeking: "enterprising young ascend the river Missouri to its be employed for...three years."

Smith was known to carry two books, the Bible and a copy of Lewis & Clark's Expedition. Smith, who never drank, never used tobacco, and never boasted, wrote in his Journal:

"Then let us come forward with faith, nothing doubting, and He will most unquestionably hear us."

Jedediah entered into a fur trapping partnership, "Smith, Jackson and Sublette," and in 1827 sold furs at a rendezvous near the Great Salt Lake.

When fellow trapper John Gardner died, Smith gave the eulogy, as recorded by expedition member Hugh Glass:

"Mr. Smith, a young man of our company made a powerful prayer which moved us all greatly and I am persuaded John died in peace."

As captain of his second expedition, Jedidiah Smith was attacked by a Grizzly bear, as Jim Clyman described:

"The Grissly did not hesitate a moment but sprang on the capt taking him by the head first pitching sprawling on the earth...breaking several of his ribs and cutting his head badly...the bear had taken nearly all his head in his capacious mouth close to his left eye on one side and close to his right ear on the other and laid the skull bare to near the crown of the of his ears was torn from his head out to the outer rim..."

Smith had Jim Clyman sew his scalp back on, but the ear was too cut to save. Smith insisted he try, as Clyman wrote:

"I put my needle sticking it through and through and over and over laying the lacerated parts together as nice as I could with my hands."

After two weeks of rest, Smith resumed leading the expedition.

On December 24, 1829, from the Wind River on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, Jedediah Smith wrote to his parents in Ohio:

"It is a long time since I left home & many times I have been ready, to bring my business to a close & endeavor to come home; but have been hindered hitherto...

However I will endeavor, by the assistance of Divine Providence, to come home as soon as possible...but whether I shall ever be allowed the privilege, God only knows.

I feel the need of the watch & care of a Christian Church.

You may well suppose that our Society is of the roughest kind.

Men of good morals seldom enter into business of this kind-I hope you will remember me before the Throne of Grace...

May God in His infinite mercy allow me soon to join My Parents is the Prayer of your undutiful Son, Jedediah S. Smith."

In a letter to his brother, Ralph, December 24, 1829, Jedediah Smith wrote:

"Many Hostile tribes of Indians inhabit this Space...In August 1827, ten Men who were in company with me lost their lives by the Amuchabas Indians...In July 1828, fifteen men who were in company with me lost their lives by the Umpquah Indians...Many others have lost their lives in different parts...

My Brother...I have need of your bear me up before the Throne of Grace."

In 1830, Smith sold his shares in the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, retired, and bought a townhouse in St. Louis.

However, he had agreed to go on one last trip for the Sublette and Jackson Company, leaving in the spring of 1831.

On May 27, 1831, while looking for water along the Sante Fe Trail, Smith was ambushed by Comanche warriors and killed.

Just four months earlier, January 26, 1831, Jedediah Smith had written to his brother Ralph in Wayne County, Ohio:

"Some, who have made a profession of Christianity & have by their own negligence caused the Spirit to depart, think their day of grace is over; but where did they find Such doctrine?

I find our Saviour ever entreating & wooing us."

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June 23

Exodus 20: 12

12 You are to honor your father and mother. If you do, you and your children will live long and well in the land the Eternal your God has promised to give you.


June 23
Worship Is…
Posted on June 9, 2013 by katherine

Worship is NOT singing a pretty song, seeing how loud we can get the bass/drums, nor trying to get the perfect lighting or smoke/fog ambiance.


Abiding in the Vine- Letting Him live through You

Arising in Faith, Bearing good fruit, Breaking forth into Joy

Desiring more of Him, more than yesterday

Drawing nigh to Him, Delighting yourself in the Lord

Declaring who He is & what He has already done

Falling at His feet & crying, Worthy is the Lamb

Following Him all the days of your life

Forgiving because He forgave you

Gazing at His beauty, Praying one for another

Loving Him with all your heart, mind & soul

Glorifying the King,

Giving Him all your fears, worries, cares & concerns

Praising Him ahead of the miracle

Confessing His Word over your life everyday

Counting your blessings

Remembering His body that was beaten, bruised, crushed, pierced & wounded

Standing in faith when you don’t see the answer

Singing a new song to the Lord

Seeking Him while He may be found

Trusting the Lord with all your heart

Leaning not on your understanding but acknowledging Him

Letting His kingdom come & His Will be done in & through you

Opening your heart to Him

Passionately pursuing His presence

Putting all your Hope in Him

Protecting the anointing He has given you

Hanging tough when all others give up

Believing the Impossible & not backing down

Being a light in the darkness- let your little light shine

Stirring yourself up in your most holy Faith

Keeping your heart burning hard after the things of God

Guarding His presence & keeping it always before you

Making a decision to use every breath to sing His praises & honor Him in everything you do

Winning the lost at all costs and Walking faithfully & uprightly with God, till your last breath!


June 23

A Prayer to Honor Our Parents
By Jazmin Wilson | December 11, 2012 | Weapons in Warfare

Heavenly Father,

Help us to love and honor our parents wholeheartedly and to always show them respect no matter the situation. There may be times where we may not see things on similar terms; however, we know that we should cherish them as our parents. Help us to show our love for our parents through respect. We pray that the relationships that we have with our parents continue to thrive. We should take pride in the relationship and I pray that it is be blessed with an abundances of growth. We know that as children, we need to nurture the relationships with our parents. When there is no one left, our parents will always be there for us. The bond that we share with our parents should be incomparable to the relationship that we have with others.

Lord, help us to understand that a parent’s job is to be harsh sometimes. Help us to know that respecting our parents is in your will, Lord, and with honor comes obedience. We may not always agree with our parent’s perspectives but it is our purpose to honor who they are in our lives. Lord, we know that our parents will always love, honor, and cherish us just the same.

In Jesus’ name,



June 23

Question: "What does it mean to honor my father and mother?"

Answer:Honoring your father and mother is being respectful in word and action and having an inward attitude of esteem for their position. The Greek word for honor means “to revere, prize, and value.” Honor is giving respect not only for merit but also for rank. For example, some Americans may disagree with the President’s decisions, but they should still respect his position as leader of their country. Similarly, children of all ages should honor their parents, regardless of whether or not their parents “deserve” honor.

God exhorts us to honor father and mother. He values honoring parents enough to include it in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12) and again in the New Testament: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:1-3). Honoring parents is the only command in Scripture that promises long life as a reward. Those who honor their parents are blessed (Jeremiah 35:18-19). In contrast, those with a “depraved mind” and those who exhibit ungodliness in the last days are characterized by disobedience to parents (Romans 1:30;2 Timothy 3:2).

Solomon, the wisest man, urged children to respect their parents (Proverbs 1:8;13:1;30:17). Although we may no longer be directly under their authority, we cannot outgrow God’s command to honor our parents. Even Jesus, God the Son, submitted Himself to both His earthly parents (Luke 2:51) and His heavenly Father (Matthew 26:39). Following Christ’s example, we should treat our parents the way we would reverentially approach our heavenly Father (Hebrews 12:9;Malachi 1:6).

Obviously, we are commanded to honor our parents, but how? Honor them with both actions and attitudes (Mark 7:6). Honor their unspoken as well as spoken wishes. “A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke” (Proverbs 13:1). InMatthew 15:3-9, Jesus reminded the Pharisees of the command of God to honor their father and mother. They were obeying the letter of the law, but they had added their own traditions that essentially overruled it. While they honored their parents in word, their actions proved their real motive. Honor is more than lip service. The word “honor” in this passage is a verb and, as such, demands a right action.

We should seek to honor our parents in much the same way that we strive to bring glory to God—in our thoughts, words, and actions. For a young child, obeying parents goes hand in hand with honoring them. That includes listening, heeding, and submitting to their authority. After children mature, the obedience that they learned as children will serve them well in honoring other authorities such as government, police, and employers.

While we are required to honor parents, that doesn’t include imitating ungodly ones (Ezekiel 20:18-19). If a parent ever instructs a child to do something that clearly contradicts God’s commands, that child must obey God rather than his/her parents (Acts 5:29).

Honor begets honor. God will not honor those who will not obey His command to honor their parents. If we desire to please God and be blessed, we should honor our parents. Honoring is not easy, is not always fun, and certainly is not possible in our own strength. But honor is a certain path to our purpose in life—glorifying God. “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord” (Colossians 3:20).

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandYour Family God's Way by Wayne Mack.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 23

American Minute for June 23rd:

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Indians along the Delaware River called themselves "Lenape," meaning in Algonquin "the people," and were in three clans: Turtle, Wolf and Turkey.

William Penn, called "Miquon" meaning quill, made a peace treaty with Tamanend, chief of the Turtle clan, on JUNE 23, 1683, under an elm tree in what was to become Philadelphia.

The Peace Treaty with the peaceful Quakers lasted over 70 years.

In 1697, Tamanend's last message before he died was:

"We and Christians of this river have always had a free roadway to one another, and though sometimes a tree has fallen cross the road, yet we have removed it again and kept the path clear."

During the French & Indian War, the Turkey clan attacked English settlers.

In 1778, Turtle clan Chief Gelelemend signed the first Indian treaty ever with the U.S. Government and later was converted to Christianity by German Moravian missionaries.

The Wolf clan converted, being called Christian Munsee, but were mistakenly confused with hostile Indians and tragically many were killed by vigilantes.

The Lenape Indians fled to Canada, Kansas and finally to Oklahoma, where in 1861, the great-grandson of Chief Gelelemend was born, John Henry Killbuck.

John attended the Moravian Seminary and in 1884 was one of the first Christian missionaries to the Yupik Indians in Alaska.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013


June 22

Exodus 20:8-11

8 You and your family are to remember the Sabbath Day; set it apart, and keep it holy. 9 You have six days to do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is to be different; it is the Sabbath of the Eternal your God. Keep it holy by not doing any work—not you, your sons, your daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, or any outsiders living among you. 11 For the Eternal made the heavens above, the earth below, the seas, and all the creatures in them in six days. Then, on the seventh day, He rested. That is why He blessed the Sabbath Day and made it sacred.


June 22

Late Night Word..
Posted on July 31, 2012 by katherine

I honor & respect all these athletes & really enjoy watching the Olympics, but let’s not get too caught up in it & loose focus on what’s really important:
The Kingdom of God

How many medals are you going to have in Heaven for winning souls to Him, keeping the Sabbath Holy, and raising up a generation of Worshipers?


June 22

Holy and Supreme Father,

We honor You today in our time of prayer and reflection upon Your holiness. You alone are worthy of our honor and praise, as You alone created the heavens and the earth. Your holy word tells us that You toiled for six days on Your creation, and on the seventh day rested. As You are in us, and we are in You, we must also give ourselves unto Your great example. We must also work diligently throughout the week, and then take a day of rest from the work of our hands as You did. We are compelled to honor You on this day of rest, as it allows us to fully devote our hearts, mind, and spirit to a time of thanksgiving and worship with You alone. Help us to faithfully rest once a week, and reflect upon Your perfect example of work followed by rest. Help us to offer our day of rest to You in thanks for the grace and blessings we have received throughout the week. We love You and honor You beautiful Father God. And we long to be more and more like You with each passing day...a work that was begun by You alone, and will be perfect when completed by You alone.

We pray in Jesus' name. Amen!

Wally Ziolo
Lancaster, Ohio USA


June 22

Question: "What is the Sabbath day?"

Answer:At first glance, the question “What is the Sabbath day?” seems fairly simple. According toExodus 20:8-11, the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, on which we are to rest, in remembrance that God created the universe in six days and then “rested” on the seventh day. However, due to the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of some Christian groups, the meaning of the Sabbath day rest has been confused.

Some Christian groups, such as theSeventh Day Adventists, view the Sabbath as the day of worship, the day on which Christians should attend church / worship services. While these groups typically also teach that no work is to be done on the Sabbath, the concept of the “day of worship” is sometimes more emphasized than the “day of rest.” The problem with this is that the Bible nowhere commands that the Sabbath be the day of worship. InExodus 20:8-11, “keeping the Sabbath holy” is defined as not working on the Sabbath. Nowhere in this passage is the Sabbath described as a day especially set aside for worship. Similarly, other Scriptures command against working on the Sabbath, but say nothing of the Sabbath being the ordained day for worship (Exodus 16:23-29;31:14-16;35:2-3;Deuteronomy 5:12-15;Nehemiah 13:15-22;Jeremiah 17:21-27). In the Old Covenant, there was not one day set aside for worship. Sacrifices were made daily at the tabernacle / temple. The “worship” was continual. The idea that the Sabbath day is the God-ordained day of corporate worship is not biblical.

Now that is not to say the Sabbath was not set apart for worship. The New Testament records Jews and converts to Judaism meeting in the synagogues on the Sabbath (Mark 6:2;Luke 4:31;Luke 13:10-16;Acts 13:14,27,42-44;15:21;16:13;17:2;18:4). Obviously, with no work being done on the Sabbath day, the Sabbath day would be the ideal day to have organized worship services. However, again, the Bible does not command that the Sabbath day be the day of worship. The Bible describes worship on the Sabbath, but does not prescribe organized corporate worship on the Sabbath.

Further, once the New Covenant was established by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Bible nowhere describes Christians setting aside the Sabbath day as the day of worship. The only Scriptures that describe Christians in any sense meeting on the Sabbath are in fact pointing to evangelistic efforts at Jewish synagogues, which met on the Sabbath day.Acts 3:2records the early Christians meeting every day. The Bereans studied the Scriptures every day (Acts 17:11).Acts 20:7and1 Corinthians 16:2both mention Christians meeting on the first day of the week. There is no evidence in the New Testament that the Apostles or the early Christians in any sense observed the Sabbath day as the prescribed day of worship.

Traditionally, Christians have held their primary corporate worship services on Sundays, the first day of the week, in celebration of Christ’s resurrection, which occurred on a Sunday (Matthew 28:1;Mark 16:2;Luke 24:1;John 20:1). It is important to understand, though, that Sunday is not the commanded day of corporate worship either. There is no explicit biblical command that either Saturday or Sunday be the day of worship. Scriptures such asRomans 14:5-6andColossians 2:16give Christians freedom to observe a special day, or to observe every day as special. God’s desire is that we worship and serve Him continually, every day, not just on Saturday or Sunday. Please read our other articles on theSabbath dayandSabbath keepingto explore this issue further.

It is our contention that the Sabbath command, which, biblically speaking, is to rest on the seventh day of the week, is not binding on Christians, but is rather a matter of grace. However, even if the Sabbath command does apply to New Covenant believers in Christ, the command would be to observe the Sabbath as the day of rest, not necessarily to set aside the Sabbath day as the weekly day of corporate worship.

Recommended Resources:Logos Bible SoftwareandThe End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in Pauline Theology by Jason Meyer.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 29

American Minute for June 22nd:

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In Medieval Europe, most countries had only one person vote - the king.

In colonial America only landowners voted, then those owning a certain amount of personal property.

After the Revolution, States gradually let those without land vote if they paid taxes, but many States continued religious and literacy tests.

In 1870, the 15th Amendment let former slaves vote.

In 1920, the 19th Amendment let women vote.

In 1924, American Indians could vote in Federal Elections.

In 1961, the 23rd Amendment let District of Columbia residents vote in Federal Elections.

In 1964, the 24th Amendment let vote those who could not pay a poll tax.

In 1965, the Voting Rights Act removed literacy tests.

On JUNE 22, 1970, President Nixon extended the Voting Rights Act to let 18-year-olds vote.

The Supreme Court, in Oregon v Mitchell, limited this right so the 26th Amendment was passed in 1971 to confirm it.

President Nixon stated March 24, 1970:

"In other areas, too, there were long struggles to eliminate discrimination...Property and even religious qualifications for voting persisted well into the 19th century - and not until 1920 were women finally guaranteed the right to vote."

On August 24, 1972, Nixon said:

"For the first time in the 195 year history of this country, men and women 18 to 21 years of age will have the chance to vote."

In 1832, Noah Webster wrote in his History of the United States:

"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers 'just men who will rule in the fear of God.'

The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty.

If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted;

laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes;

corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws;

the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men;

and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.

If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws."

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