Pledge of Allegiance of the United States

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Today it reads:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Section 4 of the Flag Code states:

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."

Monday, June 9, 2014


June 5

American Minute for June 5th:

JUNE 5, 1967, the Six-Day War began.

Egypt sent 80,000 troops and 900 tanks to attack Israel.

Jordan and Syria, with Soviet weapons, violently shelled Jerusalem and Israeli villages. Cairo radio announced:

"The hour has come in which we shall destroy Israel."

The hot line between Washington and Moscow was used for the first time.

In a surprise move, Israeli Air Force destroyed 400 Egyptian planes, courageously drove Syria from the Golan Heights and captured all of Jerusalem.

In a CBS-TV interview, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion stated:

"In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles."

Seven months after the War, on Jan. 7, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson toasted Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, saying:

"Welcome to our family table...

All Americans-and all Israelis-know...that none...can ever live by bread alone...

One of your ancestors said it for all men almost 2,000 years ago...for peace it is written, 'pursue it.'

That is our intention in the Middle East...To pursue peace..."

LBJ continued:

"If we are wise, if we are fortunate, if we work together - perhaps our Nation and all nations may know the joys of that promise God once made about the children of Israel:

'I will make a covenant of peace with shall be an everlasting covenant.'"

On February 5, 1996, Margaret Thatcher stated:

"We have to remember that the Jewish people never, ever lost their faith in the face of all the persecution and as a result have come to have their own promised land and to have Jerusalem as a capital city again."

In April 3, 2002, while serving as House Majority Whip, Tom DeLay stated in a speech at Westminster College, titled "The Bonds of Freedom":

The State of Israel has fought five major wars to defend its right to exist since 1948...

Israel and America are kindred nations. The founders of both countries were profoundly influenced by faith.

Both countries drafted governments that practice religious tolerance.

Both countries are filled with immigrants summoned by dreams...

Freedom is alive in Israel today.

We can't allow the lone light of democracy to be extinguished by a wave of hatred."

Many U.S. Presidents expressed support of Israel, even as far back as John Adams, who wrote to Thomas Jefferson:

"I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize man than any other nation."

President John Adams stated: 

"I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation for, as I believe, the most enlightened men of it have participated in the amelioration of the philosophy of the age." 

President John Quincy Adams wrote to Major Mordecai Manuel Noah that he believed in:

"rebuilding of Judea as an independent nation."

President Abraham Lincoln met a Canadian Christian Zionist, Henry Wentworth Monk, who expressed hope that Jews who were suffering oppression in Russia and Turkey be emancipated "by restoring them to their national home in Palestine." 

Lincoln said this was "a noble dream and one shared by many Americans." 

In 1891, pogroms incited by Czar Alexander III provoked an outcry by many prominent Americans, including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Speaker of the House. Rev. William E. Blackstone and Cardinal Gibbons presented a petition signed by those who were concerned about the fate of the Jews in Russia to President Benjamin Harrison and Secretary of State James Blaine. 

They called for the first international conference "to consider the Israelite claim to Palestine as their ancient home, and to promote in any other just and proper way the alleviation of their suffering condition."

In 1917, Lord Balfour sent a letter to Lord Rothschild, president of the British Zionist Federation, stating that the British Government would facilitate the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. 

President Woodrow Wilson stated March 3, 1919:

"The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth."

President Woodrow Wilson wrote:

"Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal life, it is not to be wondered at that the various passages in the Bible that serve to undermine royal authority, stripping the Crown of its cloak of divinity, held up before the pioneer Americans the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. In the spirit and essence of our Constitution, the influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it was not only the highest authority for the principle, 'that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,' but also because it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy, as distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy or any other form of government."

President Warren G. Harding stated:

"It is impossible for one who has studied at all the services of the Hebrew people to avoid the faith that they will one day be restored to their historic national home and there enter on a new and yet greater phase of their contribution to the advance of humanity."

President Calvin Coolidge stated:

"The Jews themselves, of whom a considerable number were already scattered throughout the colonies, were true to the teachings of their prophets. The Jewish faith is predominantly the faith of liberty "

President Calvin Coolidge expressed:

"Sympathy with the deep and intense longing which finds such fine expression in the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine."

President Herbert Hoover stated:

"Palestine which, desolate for centuries, is now renewing its youth and vitality through enthusiasm, hard work, and self-sacrifice of the Jewish pioneers who toil there in a spirit of peace and social justice."

The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee stated in 1922:

"The Jews of America are profoundly interested in establishing a National Home in the ancient land for their race. Indeed, this is the ideal of the Jewish people, everywhere, for, despite their dispersion, Palestine has been the object of their veneration since they were expelled by the Romans. For generations they have prayed for the return to Zion. During the past century this prayer has assumed practical form."

President Harry S Truman stated May 26, 1952:

"I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have faith in it now... I believe it has a glorious future before it—not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."

President John F. Kennedy stated: 

"This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free societies that seek a path to peace and honor individual right. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication to achieve it."

President Lyndon B. Johnson stated:

"The United States and Israel share many common objectives...chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace."

President Lyndon B. Johnson stated before the B'nai B'rith organization: 

"Most if not all of you have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours... The Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modern Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls."

President Richard M. Nixon stated:

"Israel is one of its friends." 

President Gerald Ford reaffirmed America's:

"Commitment to the security and future of Israel is based upon basic morality as well as enlightened self-interest. Our role in supporting Israel honors our own heritage."

President Jimmy Carter stated: 

"The United States has a warm and a unique relationship of friendship with Israel that is morally right. It is compatible with our deepest religious convictions, and it is right in terms of America's own strategic interests. We are committed to Israel's security, prosperity, and future as a land that has so much to offer the world."

President Ronald Reagan stated: 

"Only by full appreciation of the critical role the State of Israel plays in our strategic calculus can we build the foundation for thwarting Moscow's designs on territories and resources vital to our security and our national well-being." 

President Reagan stated: 

"Since the rebirth of the State of Israel, there has been an ironclad bond between that democracy and this one."

President George H.W. Bush stated: 

"The friendship, the alliance between the United States and Israel is strong and solid, built upon a foundation of shared democratic values, of shared history and heritage, that sustains the life of our two countries. The emotional bond of our people transcends politics. Our strategic cooperation—and I renew today our determination that that go forward—is a source of mutual security. And the United States’ commitment to the security of Israel remains unshakeable. We may differ over some policies from time to time, individual policies, but never over the principle."

President Bill Clinton stated:

"Our relationship would never vary from its allegiance to the shared values, the shared religious heritage, the shared democratic politics which have made the relationship between the United States and Israel a special—even on occasion a wonderful—relationship."

President George W. Bush stated:

"We will speak up for our principles and we will stand up for our friends in the world... And one of our most important friends in the world is the State of Israel."

Hide Endnotes

Ben-Gurion, David. Oct. 5, 1956, comment in an interview with Edward R. Murrow, "Person to Person," CBS-TV. James Beasely Simpson, Best Quotes of '54, '55, '56 (NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1957), p. 302. Public Papers of the Presidents: Toasts of the President & Prime Minister Eshkol at a Dinner at the LBJ Ranch. Jan. 7, 1968, "Mr. Prime Minister, Mrs. Eshkol: Welcome to our family table. We are honored and happy to have you here in our home. Here, we ask only that you enjoy the warm ties of friendship and partnership that mean so much to each of us, and both our peoples. Our peoples, Mr. Prime Minister, share many qualities of mind and heart. We both rise to challenge. We both admire the courage and the resourcefulness of the citizen-soldier. We each draw strength and purpose for today from our heroes of yesterday. We both know the thrill of bringing life from a hard but a rewarding land. But all Americans-and all Israelis-also know that prosperity is not enough-that none of our restless generation can ever live by bread alone. For we are equally nations in search of a dream. We share a vision and purpose far brighter than our abilities to make deserts bloom. We have been born and raised to seek and find peace. In that common spirit of our hopes, I respect our hope that a just and lasting peace will prevail between Israel and her neighbors. This past year has been a busy one for America's peacemakers-in the Middle East, in Cyprus, in Vietnam. Wherever conscience and faith have carried them, they have found a stubborn truth confirmed. Making peace is punishing work. It demands enormous courage, flexibility, and imagination. It is ill served by hasty slogans or half-solutions. I know you understand this, sir, better than most men. One of your ancestors said it for all men almost 2,000 years ago: 'Other precepts are performed when the occasion arises . . . but for peace it is written, '"pursue it."' That is our intention in the Middle East and throughout our world. To pursue peace. To find peace. To keep peace forever among men. If we are wise, if we are fortunate, if we work together-perhaps our Nation and all nations may know the joys of that promise God once made about the children of Israel: 'I will make a covenant of peace with them . . . it shall be an everlasting covenant.' Let that be our toast to each other-our Governments and our peoples-as this new year begins. Its days are brighter, Mr. Prime Minister, because you lighten them with your presence here and the spirit you will leave behind."

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June 5

One of the original 13 colonies, North Carolina was the first state to instruct its delegates to vote for independence from the British crown during the Continental Congress. Following the Revolutionary War, North Carolina developed an extensive slave plantation system and became a major exporter of cotton and tobacco, although the slave population remained relatively small compared to that of other southern states. In 1861, North Carolina became one of 11 states to secede from the United States, beginning the American Civil War. Despite no major battles being fought in the state, North Carolina sent more recruits to fight for the Confederacy than any other rebel state. In 1903, the state became the site of the first manned self-propelled airplane flight when the Wright brothers took off from a cliff near Kitty Hawk.

Date of Statehood: November 21, 1789

Did You Know?
The infamous pirate Blackbeard was killed by British troops off North Carolina's Outer Banks in 1718.

Capital: Raleigh

Population: 9,535,483 (2010)

Size: 53,819 square miles

Nickname(s): Old North State; Tar Heel State

Motto: Esse Quam Videri (“To Be Rather Than to Seem”)

Tree: Pine

Flower: Dogwood

Bird: Cardinal


In one of the nation’s most intriguing mysteries, a group of around 150 colonists from Plymouth, England, who had landed on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina in July 1587 vanished without a trace, except for the word “Croatoan” scratched on a post that had enclosed the settlement. Although there have been several hypotheses as to what occurred, historians and archaeologists have been unable to find evidence to support any of them.

The first child born in America of English descent was a girl named Virginia Dare. Born on August 18, 1587, Virginia was one of the members of the “Lost Colony,” discovered missing on what would have been her 3rd birthday by her grandfather John White, who had originally led the colonial expedition to Roanoke Island but later returned to England for supplies.

Angered by the Navigation Acts, which imposed taxes on colonial goods, and the abuse of power flaunted by the customs collector and deputy governor, Thomas Miller, a group of about 40 rebels imprisoned Miller and seized control of local government in 1677. John Culpeper, one of the group’s leaders, was tried for treason in England, but was acquitted and returned to Albemarle. The uprising became known as Culpeper’s Rebellion.

Orville and Wilbur Wright’s first powered airplane flight on December 17, 1903, covered only 120 feet and lasted only 12 seconds.

During World War II, approximately 10,000 enemy soldiers were contained within 18 prisoner of war camps throughout the state of North Carolina.

North Carolina is the largest producer of sweet potatoes in the nation. In 2011, farmers within the state harvested 64,000 acres—yielding 1.28 billion pounds of the vitamin A-rich tubers.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


June 4

Isaiah 58:8 NIV

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.


June 4

Most Holy One, May You reign forever in all that You have created by the words of Your mouth.  Today we pray for the state of New York, the land that You placed to the east of the mass of land that is called America.  The piece of land that has welcomed immigrants from far away lands, and given hope to the oppressed. We ask that You would bless this land for being the open arms to all nations.  May the shorelines of New York not only be a landing point for those looking to establish a new life, but a new opportunity to know and love Your Son.  

Father, we ask for peace across the state of New York for those who have lost loved ones to tragedy.  For those who are still grieving the loss of family and friends in the World Trade Center disaster.  In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, we pray for a renewal of hope for those who lost their homes and businesses.  Heal the land that we call the Empire State, and establish Your kingdom over all that is there.  Bring a great revival out of the devastation of the past, and herald in a Spiritual awakening that will spread to the North, West, East and South.

May there be a renewed commitment to marriages and families in the state, and a voice rising to reject the union of same sex couples. Call upon the morality that is within each living person in the state of New York, and allow a new moral foundation to be built upon the rock of the land.

We pray for the healing of those who are in the grips of addictions, illness, bondage, fear, or any other long suffering.  Lord, restore love where there is hate; forgiveness where there is condemnation; joy where there is sorrow; and peace where there is discord. Unite Your church throughout New York to seek out the lost, and to care for the afflicted in Jesus' name.

We pray all things in the precious name of Your son, our Lord and savior - Jesus Christ.  Amen



June 4

Question: "What does the Bible say about praying to / speaking to / talking to the dead?"

Answer: Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.” The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the dead Samuel resulted in his death “because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance” (1 Samuel 28:1-25; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14). Clearly, God has declared that such things are not to be done.

Consider the characteristics of God. God is omnipresent—everywhere at once—and is capable of hearing every prayer in the world (Psalm 139:7-12). A human being, on the other hand, does not possess this attribute. Also, God is the only one with the power to answer prayer. In this regard, God is omnipotent—all powerful (Revelation 19:6). Certainly this is an attribute a human being—dead or alive—does not possess. Finally, God is omniscient—He knows everything (Psalm 147:4-5). Even before we pray, God knows our genuine needs and knows them better than we do. Not only does He know our needs, but He answers our prayers according to His perfect will.

So, in order for a dead person to receive prayers, the dead individual has to hear the prayer, possess the power to answer it, and know how to answer it in a way that is best for the individual praying. Only God hears and answers prayer because of His perfect essence and because of what some theologians call His “immanence.” Immanence is the quality of God that causes Him to be directly involved with the affairs of mankind (1 Timothy 6:14-15); this includes answering prayer.

Even after a person dies, God is still involved with that person and his destination. Hebrews 9:27 says so: “…Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” If a person dies in Christ, he goes to heaven to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:1-9, especially verse 8); if a person dies in his sin, he goes to hell, and eventually everyone in hell will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14-15).

A person suffering in agony will not be able to hear or answer a prayer, nor will a person who is living in heavenly bliss with God. If we pray to someone and he is in eternal agony, should we expect him to be able to hear and answer our prayers? Likewise, would a person in heaven be concerned for temporal problems on earth? God has provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the mediator between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5). With Jesus Christ as our mediator, we can go through Jesus to God. Why would we want to go through a sinful dead individual, especially when doing so risks the wrath of God?

Recommended Resources: The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and Psychic Phenomena by Ron Rhodes and Logos Bible Software.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 4

American Minute for June 4th:

In 1942, Imperial Japan invaded Singapore and took around 25,000 prisoners.

Next was the Philippines.

With Imperial Japan's relentless bombardment by planes and heavy siege guns, President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not want General Douglas MacArthur captured, so he ordered him to leave Corregidor, Philippines, and evacuate to Australia.

General Douglas MacArthur obeyed, March 11, 1942, but not without promising, "I shall return."

During Imperial Japan's occupation of the Philippines, they forced Filipino and American prisoners on the horrible Bataan Death March, where over 10,000 died.

When he heard of this, General Douglas MacArthur stated, April 9, 1942:

"To the weeping mothers of its dead, I can only say that the sacrifice and halo of Jesus of Nazareth has descended upon their sons, and that God will take them unto Himself."

The turning point in the Pacific War began JUNE 4, 1942.

American code-breakers intercepted intelligence of Imperial Japan's plans to capture Midway Island and from there, Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific.

The outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet attempted a desperate ambush of the Imperial Japanese armada, but was losing badly.

When the Imperial Japanese fleet suddenly changed its course, the American torpedo dive-bombers searched for it in vain, with many of their escort fighters running out of fuel and ditching in the ocean.

Lieutenant-Commander John Waldron, who led the torpedo dive-bomber squadron from the U.S. carrier Hornet, told his men the night before:

"My greatest hope is that we encounter a favorable tactical situation, but if we don't, I want each of us to do our utmost to destroy the enemies. If there is only one plane to make a final run in, I want that man to go in and get a hit. May God be with us."

Waldron's squadron was the first to spot the Imperial Japanese fleet. Flying in at low altitude, they suffered the full focus of the Imperial Japanese defenses.

Out of 30 of Waldron's men who took off that morning, only one survived.

Lieutenant-Commander John Waldron received the Navy Cross posthumously.

Their sacrifice was not in vain, as it benefited the other American torpedo dive-bomber squadrons from the U.S. carriers Enterprise and Yorktown, who arrived about an hour later, flying at a much higher altitude.

Navigating by guess and by God, and running low on fuel, squadron commander C. Wade McClusky, Jr. decided to continue the search.

Through a break in the clouds, they providentially spotted the wake of the Japanese destroyers and followed it to find the Japanese aircraft carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu.

This was at the precise moment when most of the Imperial Japanese "Zero" fighter planes were busy being refueled and rearmed after fighting Waldron's squadron, or had just taken off to attack the U.S. carrier Yorktown.

In just five minutes, the screeching American torpedo dive-bombers sank three Imperial Japanese carriers, and a fourth shortly after.

In just moments, Imperial Japan's naval force had been cut in half, resulting in them suddenly being forced to the defensive.

After the Battle of Midway, plans were begun to free the Philippines.

President Roosevelt said, August 12, 1943:

"Three weeks after the armies of the Japanese launched their attack on Philippine soil, I sent a the people of the Philippines...that their freedom will be redeemed...

The great day of your liberation will come, as surely as there is a God in Heaven."

On October 20, 1944, General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines with U.S. troops, stating:

"People of the Philippines: I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil - soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples.

We have come, dedicated and committed to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy control...The hour of your redemption is here...

Let the indomitable spirit of Bataan and Corregidor lead on...Let no heart be faint. Let every arm be steeled. The guidance of Divine God points the way. Follow in His name to the Holy Grail of righteous victory!"

The same day, President Roosevelt sent a message to General MacArthur:

"The whole American Nation today exults at the news that the gallant men under your command have landed on Philippine soil.

I know well what this means to you. I know what it cost you to obey my order that you leave Corregidor in February, 1942, and proceed to Australia...

That day has come. You have the Nation's gratitude and the Nation's prayers for success as you and your men fight your way back to Bataan."

President Roosevelt sent the message to Philippine President Osmena, October 20, 1944:

"On this occasion of the return of General MacArthur to Philippine soil with our airmen, our soldiers, and our sailors, we renew our pledge.

We and our Philippine brothers in arms-with the help of Almighty God-will drive out the invader; we will destroy his power to wage war again, and we will restore a world of dignity and freedom."

Hide Endnotes

Battle of Midway. June 4-6, 1942. Robert C. Kiste, Ph.D., Director & Professor, University of Hawaii Center for Pacific Islands Studies, "Midway Island," World Book Online Americas Edition, ttp://, October 20, 2001. James L. Stokesbury, Ph.D., Former Professor of History, Acadia University; author, Navy & Empire & A Short History of Air Power, "World War II," World Book Online Americas Edition,, October 20, 2001.

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June 4

The Dutch first settled along the Hudson River in 1624; two years later they established the colony of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island. In 1664, the English took control of the area and renamed it New York. One of the original 13 colonies, New York played a crucial political and strategic role during the American Revolution. Between 1892 and 1954, millions of immigrants arrived in New York Harbor and passed through Ellis Island on their journey to becoming U.S citizens. It is estimated that up to 40 percent of Americans can trace at least one ancestor to that port of entry. New York City, the largest city in the state, is home to the New York Stock Exchange and is a major international economic center.

Date of Statehood: July 26, 1788

Capital: Albany

Population: 19,378,102 (2010)

Size: 54,555 square miles

Nickname(s): Empire State

Motto: Excelsior (“Ever Upward”)

Tree: Sugar Maple

Flower: Rose

Bird: Bluebird


New York City was the first capital of the United States after the Constitution was ratified in 1788. 

On April 30, 1789, George Washington was inaugurated as the nation’s first president at Federal Hall, located on Wall Street.

The popular tabloid New York Post was originally established in 1801 as a Federalist newspaper called the New York Evening Post by Alexander Hamilton, an author of the Federalist papers and the nation’s first secretary of the treasury.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France in honor of the United States’ enduring dedication to freedom and democracy and of the alliance held between the two countries during the American Revolution. 

Erected in 1886 on Bedloe’s Island (later renamed Liberty Island) in New York Harbor, the statue stood as a welcoming symbol to the 14 million immigrants who entered the United States through New York until 1924.

After the towns of Woodstock and Wallkill refused permission to host what ultimately became the country’s most renowned musical festival, a dairy farmer in nearby Bethel agreed to provide access to his land for “Three Days of Peace and Music.” With musical acts kicking off on August 15, 1969, the Woodstock Music Festival attracted more than 400,000 attendees—most of whom were admitted for free since the organizers of the event were unprepared to control access for such a large crowd.

Adirondack Park in northeastern New York contains roughly 6 million acres of protected land. Comprised of both public and private areas, the park is larger than Yellowstone, Glacier, Everglades and Grand Canyon National Parks combined.
New York City contains roughly 660 miles of subway track connecting 468 subway stations—the lowest of which is located 180 miles below street level. In 2011, more than 1.6 billion people rode the subway.

Comprised of three waterfalls on United States and Canadian territory, Niagara Falls attracts 12 million visitors each year. The American Falls, in New York, are nearly 180 feet high and 1,100 feet long. The Niagara River produces enough hydroelectric power to supply more than a quarter of all power used in the state of New York and Ontario.

The National Baseball Hall of Fame is located in Cooperstown, New York.


June 3

Proverbs 31:8-9
New International Version (NIV)
8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
9 Speak up and judge fairly;

    defend the rights of the poor and needy.


June 3

Sovereign Lord, creator of Heaven and Earth, we humble ourselves before You today.  As we approach Your throne this day Father, we lift up the state of Virginia.  We thank you for this state, and the impact that the first settlers in Virginia made to this country.  They established the territory with prayer and thanksgiving, and made covenants with the Most High God.  Their daily trials and celebrations were lifted up to You Holy Father, in perfect faith.  You alone had sustained them in the beginning, and You alone established their presence in this land.

Father, as we humble ourselves before you today, may we have the same faith that our forefathers showed through prayer and fasting.  May we praise You and celebrate You as they did in the beginning, and may we bow on our knees before you in trembling honor.  Let our prayers today for the state of Virginia be sweet and acceptable to You O' Lord, that we might be answered in Your mercy and grace.

We pray today for the government, and all who serve the people of Virginia.  From Governor Terry McAuliffe and his staff, to the state legislature.  May all who serve in an elected position place their trust and faith in You alone.  May they realize the awesome power of our God, and seek to be within Your will.  For all those in paid service roles across the state, may they look to You for their strength and protection throughout each day.  Guide them and keep them as they serve their fellow citizens across the land.

The people of Virginia have not been spared the tragic loss of their youth, nor of the wise.  We ask for Your Spirit to live in the hearts of all who suffer in great sorrow, to comfort them and to restore peace.  We ask that You would protect the young lives in every school across Virginia, from the smallest of preschools to the largest of college campuses.  Place a hedge of protection over innocent life, and withhold Satan from carrying out His plans of death and destruction.

We ask all these things in the mighty and wondrous name of Jesus Christ.  Amen!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014


June 3

Question: "What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?"

Answer: Islam is a religious system begun in the seventh century by Muhammad. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and strive to keep the Five Pillars.

The History of Islam
In the seventh century, Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel visited him. During these angelic visitations, which continued for about 23 years until Muhammad's death, the angel purportedly revealed to Muhammad the words of Allah (the Arabic word for “God” used by Muslims). These dictated revelations compose the Qur'an, Islam's holy book. Islam means “submission,” deriving from a root word that means “peace.” The word Muslim means “one who submits to Allah.”

The Doctrine of Islam
Muslims summarize their doctrine in six articles of faith:
1. Belief in one Allah: Muslims believe Allah is one, eternal, creator, and sovereign.
2. Belief in the angels
3. Belief in the prophets: The prophets include the biblical prophets but end with Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet.
4. Belief in the revelations of Allah: Muslims accept certain portions of the Bible, such as the Torah and the Gospels. They believe the Qur'an is the preexistent, perfect word of Allah.
5. Belief in the last day of judgment and the hereafter: Everyone will be resurrected for judgment into either paradise or hell.
6. Belief in predestination: Muslims believe Allah has decreed everything that will happen. Muslims testify to Allah’s sovereignty with their frequent phrase, inshallah, meaning, “if God wills.”

The Five Pillars of Islam
These five tenets compose the framework of obedience for Muslims:
1. The testimony of faith (shahada): “la ilaha illa allah. Muhammad rasul Allah.” This means, “There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” A person can convert to Islam by stating this creed. The shahada shows that a Muslim believes in Allah alone as deity and believes that Muhammad reveals Allah.
2. Prayer (salat): Five ritual prayers must be performed every day.
3. Giving (zakat): This almsgiving is a certain percentage given once a year.
4. Fasting (sawm): Muslims fast during Ramadan in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. They must not eat or drink from dawn until sunset.
5. Pilgrimage (hajj): If physically and financially possible, a Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once. The hajj is performed in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

A Muslim's entrance into paradise hinges on obedience to these Five Pillars. Still, Allah may reject them. Even Muhammad was not sure whether Allah would admit him to paradise (Surah 46:9; Hadith 5.266).

An Evaluation of Islam
Compared to Christianity, Islam has some similarities but significant differences. Like Christianity, Islam is monotheistic. However, Muslims reject the Trinity—that God has revealed Himself as one in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Muslims claim that Jesus was a mere prophet—not God’s Son. Islam asserts that Jesus, though born of a virgin, was created like Adam. Many Muslims do not believe Jesus died on the cross. They do not understand why Allah would allow His prophet Isa (the Islamic word for "Jesus") to die a torturous death. Yet the Bible shows how the death of the perfect Son of God was essential to pay for the sins of believers (Isaiah 53:5-6; John 3:16; 14:6; 1 Peter 2:24).

Islam teaches that the Qur'an is the final authority and the last revelation of Allah. The Bible, however, was completed in the first century with the Book of Revelation. The Bible warns against anyone adding to or subtracting from God’s Word (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:6; Galatians 1:6-12; Revelation 22:18). The Qur’an, as a claimed addition to God’s Word, directly disobeys God’s command.

Muslims believe that paradise can be earned through keeping the Five Pillars. The Bible, in contrast, reveals that sinful man can never measure up to the holy God (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Only by God’s grace may sinners be saved through repentant faith in Jesus (Acts 20:21; Ephesians 2:8-9).

Because of these essential differences and contradictions, Islam and Christianity cannot both be true. The Bible and Qur’an cannot both be God’s Word. The truth has eternal consequences.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world” (1 John 4:1-4; see also John 3:35-36).

Recommended Resources: Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross by Norm Geisler and Logos Bible Software.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 3

American Minute for June 3rd:

Spain's Iron Duke fought the Ottoman Muslims, recapturing Tunis in 1535.

He then turned to crush the Reformation in Holland in what is referred to as the 'Spanish Furies', 1572-1576, sacking and decimating the Dutch cities of Mechelen, Diest, Roermond, Guelders, Zutphen, Naarden, and Haarlem.

The Netherlands fought an 80 year war of independence from Spain, led by William of Orange and aided by English soldiers sent by Queen Elizabeth I.

The Dutch Republic of the Seven United Netherlands grew to become the foremost maritime and economic power in the world during its Golden Age, beginning in 1648.

The Dutch had settlements around the world, from Recife, South America to South Africa to New Zealand, including a monopoly on trade with Japan, Jakarta, Java and Asia.

Adopting the Calvinistic Protestant Dutch Reformed faith as the State religion, the Netherlands nevertheless exhibited a tolerance rare in Europe toward other faiths, including Remonstrants, Renaissance Humanism, Catholics, Anabaptists and Jews.

The Pilgrims lived in the Netherlands for 12 years before sailing to settle Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The prosperous Netherlands attracted some of the brightest minds of the age:

writer Jan Amos Comenius; astronomer Christiaan Huygens; scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek; engineer Jan Leeghwater; playwright Joost van den Vondel; international lawyer Hugo Grotius; philosophers René Descartes, Pierre Bayle, John Locke, Spinoza; and

artists Johannes Vermeer, Jacob van Ruisdael, Frans Hals and Rembrandt.

The Dutch invented a way of financing their endeavors - The Amsterdam Stock Exchange. It was the first modern stock market.

People could buy shares in the Dutch EAST India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) whose ships sailed to Indonesia or Japan.

When the ships returned filled with goods and spices, they would be paid a profit.

And in case the ships sank, the Dutch invented "insurance" companies.

The Dutch experience the first stock market crash with the Tulip Mania of 1636-1637.

Tulips imported from Turkey became so popular that a single tulip bulb's worth exploded to more than the average person's yearly salary - then in one day it suddenly dropped to one-hundredth of its value, plunging the country into an economic depression.

The Dutch started the Dutch WEST India Company which sent Henry Hudson sailing west in hopes of finding a water route to India through North America.

Though unsuccessful, Hudson claimed the land along the "Hudson" River, and founded the New Netherlands Colony, receiving its charter JUNE 3, 1621.

The Dutch began a New Amsterdam Stock Exchange which met on the street next to the wall of the settlement.

In 1624, the Chamber of Amsterdam wrote articles for the Dutch Colony, establishing the Dutch Reformed denomination:

"They shall within their territory practice no other form of divine worship than that of the Reformed religion...

and thus by their Christian life and conduct seek to draw the Indians and other blind people to the knowledge of God and His word, without, however, persecuting any on account of his faith, but leaving each one the use of his conscience."

The New Amsterdam Charter of Freedoms, June 7, 1629, gave land to wealthy "Patroons" who helped 50 families emigrate, stating:

"Colonists the speediest manner...find out ways and means whereby they may support a Minister and Schoolmaster, that thus the service of God and zeal for religion may not grow cool."

One Dutch family that immigrated was the Roosevelt family, as Franklin D. Roosevelt told the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, March 7, 1935:

"All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family in this country is that all branches bearing the name are apparently descended from Claes Martenssen Van Roosevelt, who came from Holland sometime before 1648."

Beginning in 1639, Lutheran Germans, Swedes and Finns, as well as Anglicans from England, began immigrating, numbering 500 of the colony's 3,500 population in 1655.

Presbyterians erected their first meeting house on Eastern Long Island in 1640, and the first Jews arrived in the colony in 1654.

After Britain's Admiral William Penn, father of Pennsylvania's founder, helped defeat the Dutch navy, the British took control of New Amsterdam in 1664, changing the colony's name to New York.

The New Amsterdam Stock Exchange then became the New York Stock Exchange, referred to as Wall Street.

Though British established the Anglican Church, French Protestant Huguenots began arriving in 1680.

The New York Charter of Liberties and Privileges, (paragraph 27), October 30, 1683, stated:

"That no person or persons which profess faith in God by Jesus Christ shall at any time be any ways molested...But that...every such person...fully enjoy his or their...consciences in matters of religion...not using this Liberty to Licentiousness...

The respective Christian Churches now in practice within the City of New York....shall...enjoy...freedoms of their Religion in Divine Worship and Church discipline."

The first Methodist meeting in the American Colonies was in New York City in 1766.

In 1781, was the first mention of a public Catholic worship service in New York.

In 1811, the New York Supreme Court's Chief Justice, Chancellor Kent, stated in the case of Peoples v Ruggles:

"Christianity was parcel of the law...that whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government...

The people of this State, in common with the people of this country, profess the general doctrines of Christianity...

We are a Christian people, and the morality of the country is deeply engrafted upon Christianity, and not upon the doctrines or worship of those impostors."

In 1838, the New York State Legislature wrote:

"No people on the face of the globe are without a prevailing national religion....

With us it is wisely ordered that no one religion shall be established by law, but that all persons shall be left free in their choice and in their mode of worship.

Still, this is a Christian nation. Ninety-nine hundredths, if not a larger proportion, of our whole population, believe in the general doctrines of the Christian religion.

Our Government depends for its being on the virtue of the people, - on that virtue that has its foundation in the morality of the Christian religion."

New York's State Constitution, 1846, 1894, and 1938, stated in its Preamble:

"We, the People of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution."

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Staten Island, Microsoft7 Encarta7 Online Encyclopedia 2000, 8 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved., The United States of America & the Netherlands, 6/14 The towns of New Netherland, By George M. Welling: In the early sixties of the seventeenth century, Pieter Plockhoy of Zeeland province, The Netherlands, started the first of the many Utopias which shine in the pages of American history. In 1662 he sailed from Holland with twenty-four families, to establish his colony of 'universal Christian brotherhood,' ... to raise up an universal magistrate in Christendom, that can suffer all sorts of people (of what religion soever they are) in any one country, as God suffers the same in all the countries of the world.' The city of Amsterdam met the expenses of the expedition. The place chosen was on the Delaware River, & the following year forty more immigrants joined those already there. Plockhoy's Utopia was soon to come to a terrible end. It resisted the British troops of Sir Robert Carr which landed in New Netherland in 1664, & was destroyed 'to a very naile.'

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June 3

One of the 13 original colonies, Virginia was the first part of the country permanently settled by the English, who established Jamestown on the banks of the James River in 1607. The home state of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers, Virginia played an important role in the American Revolution (1775-83). During the Civil War (1861-65), the city of Richmond, Virginia, became the capital of the Confederacy, and more than half of the conflict’s battles were fought in the state. Today, many government institutions are headquartered in Virginia, particularly in Arlington, located across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. In addition to eight presidents, famous Virginians include singer Ella Fitzgerald, tennis star Arthur Ashe, actress Shirley MacLaine and authors Willa Cather and Tom Wolfe.

Date of Statehood: June 25, 1788

Did You Know?

Four of the first five presidents were Virginians: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe.

Capital: Richmond

Population: 8,001,024 (2010)

Size: 42,775 square miles

Nickname(s): Old Dominion; Mother of Presidents; Mother of States; Mother of Statesmen; Cavalier

StateMotto: Sic Semper Tyrannis (“Thus Always to Tyrants”)

Tree: American Dogwood

Flower: American Dogwood

Bird: Northern Cardinal


Patrick Henry delivered his famous “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech before the second Virginia Convention at St. John’s Church (formerly Henrico Parish) in Richmond on March 23, 1775.

On October 19, 1781, following three weeks of continuous bombardment, British General Lord Charles Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington in the Battle of Yorktown in Virginia, essentially bringing the American Revolution to an end.

Virginia’s borders have expanded and contracted numerous times since its inception as the first of the 13 original colonies.  In 1792, nine counties known as the Kentucky District of Virginia entered the union as the state of Kentucky, and in 1863, western counties of Virginia were approved to enter the union as the state of West Virginia.

The Arlington National Cemetery, one of America’s most renowned military cemeteries, was originally built in the early 19th century as a mansion by George Washington’s adopted grandson, George Washington Parke Custis.  Robert E. Lee, who married Custis’ daughter, Mary Anna, lived in Arlington House at various periods until 1861, when Virginia seceded from the Union and the couple vacated the estate.  On June 15, 1864, the property was established as a military cemetery.

Virginia was the birthplace of more U.S. presidents than any other state: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson.

The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg is the nation’s second-oldest institution of higher education, after Harvard; King William III and Queen Mary II of England signed a charter for its creation on February 8, 1693. At the persuasion of Thomas Jefferson, the first law school in America was established there in 1779.

Monday, June 2, 2014


June 2

Galatians 5:13-14

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."


June 2

Most Heavenly Father, today we thank you for the state of New Hampshire.  The men and women who originally founded this state were seeking freedom; freedom from rule by Britain and freedom of religion. They came to America to freely worship You are their God, and sought you in all aspects of their daily lives.  The modern day principles of New Hampshire have eroded greatly since it's beginning, and the people have turned to other gods.  Forgive the people of New Hampshire from wandering away from You, and bring a great revival upon their land.  Allow the people to repent of their ways, and to establish a new and greater relationship with You and Your Son.

Father, we ask that a new spirit of morality would settle upon the land, and that the people of New Hampshire would turn from their wicked ways.  That marriage would be restored to Your vision, being one man and one woman.  That life would be valued and protected from the point of conception.  That there would be a revival in the dynamics of families across New Hampshire, eliminating divorce and single parent families.

We pray for the church of New Hampshire, that they would return to a relationship with You based upon Your word.  That the churches and their leaders would restore morality and righteousness to their denominations.  Where the lines of Holiness have been almost erased, that they would be retraced according to Your will and commands.  And that churches would cast their light out into the dying world for all to see.

Lord, bring about peace and order in the government of the land, from the office of Governor Maggie Hassan, all the way through the legislative and judicial branches of the state government.  Fill the seats with people who follow Your commands, and those who believe in Your Son.  Protect those who serve the people of New Hampshire in service and protection roles.  

We pray for the education system of the state of New Hampshire.  That they would fall back to the times of teaching from the word of God, vs. evolution.  That all training materials would be revised to allow the viewpoint of creation, and that prayer would be allowed back into the schools.  Protect the innocent lives of children across the state, as they attend school throughout the week.  And we especially pray for the Holy Spirit to touch more hearts in the children throughout New Hampshire.

Father, we leave these requests at Your throne, and know that You can change the spiritual atmosphere in New Hampshire.  Bring about a new focus on the 'Live Free, or Die" motto, and have the focus directed to living free in a relationship with you, where death has no sting because of Your Son.  In Jesus' mighty and precious name.  Amen

Wally Ziolo
Lancaster, Ohio

Sunday, June 1, 2014


June 2

Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

Answer: The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be as human as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).

The first argument that always arises against the Christian stance on abortion is “What about cases of rape and/or incest?” As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, is the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given in adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own, or the child could be raised by its mother. Again, the baby is completely innocent and should not be punished for the evil acts of its father.

The second argument that usually arises against the Christian stance on abortion is “What about when the life of the mother is at risk?” Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer on the issue of abortion. First, let’s remember that this situation is the reason behind less than one-tenth of one percent of the abortions done in the world today. Far more women have an abortion for convenience than women who have an abortion to save their own lives. Second, let’s remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and a child despite all the medical odds being against it. Ultimately, though, this question can only be decided between a husband, wife, and God. Any couple facing this extremely difficult situation should pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) as to what He would have them to do.

Over 95 percent of the abortions performed today involve women who simply do not want to have a baby. Less than 5 percent of abortions are for the reasons of rape, incest, or the mother's health at risk. Even in the more difficult 5 percent of instances, abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow the child to be born.

For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one—can all be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.

Recommended Resources: The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture by Scott Klusendorf and Logos Bible Software.

While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

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June 2

American Minute for June 2nd:

A wedding took place in the White House, JUNE 2, 1886.

One of three Presidents to marry in office and the only President to wed on White House grounds, Grover Cleveland married Frances Folsom and together they had five children.

Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th President - the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms.

In his 2nd Inaugural, March 4, 1893, Cleveland stated:

"Above all, I know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid."

The first Democrat elected President after the Civil War, Grover Cleveland sent in the army to stop union strikers during the Pullman Railroad Strike of 1894.

He supported having currency backed by gold and fought political corruption.

One of the international incidents which occurred during Grover Cleveland's time as President was the treatment of the Christians in Armenia by the Muslim Ottoman Turks.

In a Message to Congress, December 2, 1895, President Cleveland stated:

"Reported massacres of Christians in Armenia and the development there and in other districts of a spirit of fanatic hostility to Christian influences naturally excited apprehension for the safety of the devoted men and women who, as dependents of the foreign missionary societies in the United States, reside in Turkey."

President Cleveland continued:

"Several of the most powerful European powers have secured a right...not only in behalf of their own citizens...but as agents of the Christian enforce such conduct of Turkish government as will refrain fanatical brutality."

The next year, President Cleveland stated, December 7, 1896:

"The rage of mad bigotry and cruel fanaticism...wanton destruction of homes and the bloody butchery of men, women, and children, made martyrs to their profession of Christian faith...The outbreaks of blind fury which lead to murder and pillage in Turkey occur suddenly and without notice..."

Grover Cleveland concluded:

"I do not believe that the present somber prospect in Turkey will be long permitted to offend the sight of Christendom.

It so mars the humane and enlightened civilization that belongs to the close of the 19th century that it seems hardly possible that the earnest demand of good people throughout the Christian world for its corrective treatment will remain unanswered."

Cleveland, Grover. March 4, 1893, Second Inaugural Address. James D. Richardson (U.S. Representative from Tennessee), ed., A Compilation of the Messages & Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897, 10 vols. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, published by Authority of Congress, 1897, 1899; Washington, D.C.: Bureau of National Literature & Art, 1789-1902, 11 vols., 1907, 1910), Vol. IX, pp. 389, 393. Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States - From George Washington 1789 to Richard Milhous Nixon 1969 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office; 91 Congress, 1 Session, House Document 91-142, 1969), pp. 163-167. Charles E. Rice, The Supreme Court & Public Prayer (NY: Fordham University Press, 1964), p. 187. Benjamin Weiss, God in American History - A Documentation of America's Religious Heritage (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1966), p. 109. Willard Cantelon, Money Master of the World (Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1976), p. 120. J. Michael Sharman, J.D., Faith of the Fathers (Culpepper, Virginia: Victory Publishing, 1995), p. 77.

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June 2

New Hampshire, one of the original 13 colonies, was the first state to have its own state constitution. Its spirit of independence is epitomized in the state motto–“Live Free or Die.” New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution–the final state needed to put the document into effect. It plays an important role in national elections, as it is the first state to holdnational primaries, and its primary results are thought to influence those in the rest of the nation, giving rise to the saying “As New Hampshire goes, so goes the nation.” It is the site of the White Mountains and the famed Mount Washington, one of the windiest places in the nation.

Date of Statehood: June 21, 1788

Capital: Concord

Population: 1,316,470 (2010)

Size: 9,348 square miles

Nickname(s): Granite State; Mother of Rivers; White Mountain State; Switzerland of America

Motto: Live Free or Die

Tree: White Birch

Flower: Purple Lilac

Bird: Purple Finch


The “Old Man in the Mountain,” depicted on the New Hampshire state quarter, was a rock formation in Franconia Notch made up of five distinct granite ledges that lined up perfectly into the shape of a man’s profile. Formed by a series of geologic events that occurred over millions of years, the profile extended nearly 40 feet from forehead to chin. On May 3, 2003, the Old Man in the Mountain collapsed from its perch 1,200 feet above Profile Lake.

The Scotch-Irish immigrants who settled in Nutfield in April 1719 planted the first potato crops in North America. The settlement, which was later renamed Londonderry, is now the town of Derry.

On December 13, 1774, four months before his famous “midnight ride” to Lexington, Massachusetts, Paul Revere embarked on a 55-mile ride from Boston to Portsmouth to warn of Fort William and Mary’s imminent seizure from British troops. One of the first acts of rebellion leading up to the revolution, a group of nearly 400 townspeople responded by raiding the garrison’s gunpowder to prevent the takeover, lowering the fort’s British flag upon their return to Portsmouth.

New Hampshire was home to the first American astronaut, Alan Shepard Jr., and first private civilian, Christa McAuliffe, to travel into space. Shepard’s 15-minute flight onboard Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961, launched him 116 miles into the atmosphere before landing safely. McAuliffe, a schoolteacher from Concord who applied to participate in the legendary mission, perished aboard the Challenger space shuttle on January 28, 1986, 73 seconds and 48,000 feet after liftoff.

In July 1944, financiers from 44 countries gathered at the luxurious Mount Washington Hotel for the Bretton Woods International Monetary Conference, during which the World Bank and International Monetary Fund were established and the American dollar was designated the standard of international exchange.

New Hampshire is one of only nine states that does not require its residents to pay state income tax.

New Hampshire is the only state to have hosted the formal conclusion of a foreign war. In 1905, the treaty ending the Russo-Japanese War was signed in Portsmouth.


June 1

Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV)
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]

    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’


June 1

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name; may we keep it Holy and pure throughout all of South Carolina, and this great nation.

thy kingdom come; Father, we look forward to Your return, and ask that You would help prepare the hearts and minds of the people of South Carolina for Your coming.  That they would be ready, and prepared for an eternal life with You in Heaven.

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, help the people of South Carolina lead the people's of this nation in keeping Your commandments, seeking Your will daily, and proclaiming Your goodness and authority with humble lips.

Give us this day our daily bread; Supply the most basic needs of the people of South Carolina (food, clothing, shelter, love, hope, and a relationship with Your Son).

and forgive us our trespasses, Father God, forgive the many sins of this state, and wash the people and this land in the saving blood of Jesus Christ.  Cleanse the stains of war and slavery from their past, and see no more the trespasses of their deeds.

as we forgive those who trespass against us; Create in the people of South Carolina a new heart for the people of the North.  Break the bonds of hatred that have been carried from the past, and establish a new peace from this day forward.  Let men and women work together for the good that You have established for us, and allow the works of your hands and feet to be pleasing in Your sight.

and lead us not into temptation, Lord, protect the thoughts and hearts of the people of South Carolina from the will of the Evil one.  Give to them wisdom of what is wrong in Your sight, and help them to flee from evil.

but deliver us from evil. Protect the people and land of South Carolina from calamity and disorder as planned by the Evil one.  Allow the people of South Carolina to live in peace, and to be freed from the strongholds that Satan wishes them to be enslaved to.  Place a hedge of protection upon those who love you, and release the lost to find relief in Your Son, Jesus Christ.   

"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever." (Matthew 6:13)


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Prayers specific to South Carolina added/amended by:

Wally Ziolo
Lancaster, Ohio 43130


June 1

Question: "Was the American Revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7?"

Answer: The American Revolutionary War was a pivotal event in world history, and the constitutional republic that followed has produced the freest, most productive society ever. No one can deny that most of the Founding Fathers were religious men or that the liberty they fought for has benefited millions of people, but was their revolt against England biblically justified? Specifically, was the American Revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7?

During the years before the Revolutionary War, the issue of justified rebellion was widely debated, with good men on both sides of the issue. Not surprisingly, most English preachers, such as John Wesley, urged restraint and pacifism on the part of the colonists; while most Colonial preachers, such as John Witherspoon and Jonathan Mayhew, fanned the flames of revolution.

Before we weigh the actions of the colonists, we must take a look at the Scripture they struggled with. Here’s a verse-by-verse summary of Romans 13:1-7:

The passage starts with a clear-cut command to submit to “the governing authorities” (v1a). Immediately following the command is the reason for it: namely, authorities are God-ordained (v1b). Therefore, resisting earthly authority is the same as resisting God (v2). Rulers are a deterrent to evil in society (v3); in fact, a ruler is “God’s servant,” bringing retribution to the wrongdoer (v4). Christians should submit to human authority not only to avoid punishment but also to maintain a clear conscience before God (v5). Specifically, Christians should pay their taxes (v6) and pay the proper respect and honor to “God’s servants” (v7).

The commands in Romans 13 are quite broad, aimed at “everyone,” with no exceptions listed. In fact, when Paul wrote these words, Nero was on the throne. If Romans 13 applies to the cruel and capricious Nero, it applies to all kings. The early church followed the principles of Romans 13 even during the wicked and oppressive reigns of Claudius, Caligula, and Tacitus. No qualifications or “outs” are given in the passage. Paul does not say “be subject to the king UNLESS he is oppressive” or “you must obey all rulers EXCEPT usurpers.” The plain teaching of Romans 13 is that all governments in all places are to be honored and obeyed. Every ruler holds power by the sovereign will of God (Psalm 75:7; Daniel 2:21). New Testament examples of believers paying proper obedience and respect towards government authority include Luke 2:1-5; 20:22-25; and Acts 24:10 (see also 1 Peter 2:13-17).

This is not to say that God approves of everything governments do or that kings are always right. On the contrary, Scripture has many examples of kings being held to account by God (e.g., Daniel 4). Furthermore, Romans 13 does not teach that Christians must always obey the governing authorities, no matter what. The one exception to the general rule of obedience is when man’s laws are in direct conflict with the plainly revealed law of God. Examples of God’s people practicing civil disobedience include Peter and John defying the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:19; 5:29), the Hebrew midwives refusing to practice infanticide (Exodus 1:15-17), Daniel ignoring the Persian law concerning prayer (Daniel 6:10), and Daniel’s friends refusing to bow to the king’s image (Daniel 3:14-18).

So, as a general rule, we are to obey the government; the lone exception is when obeying man’s law would force us to directly disobey God’s law.

Now, what about Romans 13 as it pertains to the American Revolutionary War? Was the war justified? First, it is important to understand that many of those who supported the Revolutionary War were deeply religious men who felt that they were biblically justified in rebelling against England. Here are some of the reasons for their perspective:

1) The colonists saw themselves not as anti-government but as anti-tyranny. That is, they were not promoting anarchy or the casting off of all restraint. They believed Romans 13 taught honor for the institution of government, but not necessarily for the individuals who ruled government. Therefore, since they supported God’s institution of government, the colonists believed that their actions against a specific oppressive regime were not a violation of the general principle of Romans 13.

2) The colonists pointed out that it was the king of England himself who was in violation of Scripture. No king who behaved so wickedly, they said, could be considered “God’s servant.” Therefore, it was a Christian’s duty to resist him. As Mayhew said in 1750, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

3) The colonists saw the war as a defensive action, not as an offensive war. And it is true that, in 1775 and 1776, the Americans had presented the king with formal appeals for reconciliation. These peaceful pleas were met with armed military force and several violations of British Common Law and the English Bill of Rights. In 1770, the British fired upon unarmed citizens in the Boston Massacre. At Lexington, the command was “Don’t fire unless fired upon.” The colonists, therefore, saw themselves as defending themselves after the conflict had been initiated by the British.

4) The colonists read 1 Peter 2:13, “Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority . . .,” and saw the phrase “for the Lord’s sake” as a condition for obedience. The reasoning ran thus: if the authority was unrighteous and passed unrighteous laws, then following them could not be a righteous thing. In other words, one cannot obey a wicked law “for the Lord’s sake.”

5) The colonists saw Hebrews 11 as justification for resisting tyrants. Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah are all listed as “heroes of faith,” and they were all involved in overthrowing oppressive governments.

It is safe to say that the American patriots who fought against England were fully convinced that they had biblical precedent and scriptural justification for their rebellion. Although their view of Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 is a faulty interpretation (there are no provisos concerning obedience in those passages), it was the popular preaching of the day. At the same time, the self-defense argument (number 3, above) is a convincing and substantial rationale for war.

Even if the American Revolution was a violation of Romans 13, we know that the patriots acted in good faith in the name of Christian freedom, and we know that, in the ensuing years, God has brought about much good from the freedom that was won as a result.

Recommended Resources: Christians in the American Revolution by Mark A. Noll and Logos Bible Software.

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