May 29
Prayer for Israel
Blessed are you O G-d , our G-d the G-d of our Fathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the Father of Yeshua Ha Mashiach our Lord and Savior.
We humbly bow before the throne of Grace during these 40 days of prayer as we seek your face on behalf of your people called by your name, the people of Israel. For we know that it is at your feet where we find the highest place of worship.
May your people called by your name see their promised Jewish Messiah who you spoke of through your prophets of old, may the eyes of their understanding be opened to see , recognize and accept Yeshua as the one promised by You in the Tanakh.
May your people come into a full knowledge of the revelation of the work of Messiah as He has made us one new man in Him. May your people welcome their Messiah home in the Land of Israel.
May the eyes of their understanding be opened. May they embrace Yeshua. May you establish the throne of David in our life time
May you kee p Her in your Shalom until the culmination of all things as you have set them forth in your providential plan. May she take her place as she reveals You to the Nations. We thank you Adonai that your plan for your people Israel will be fulfilled and all Israel will be saved.
Baruch Atah, Adonai Elohaynu, Melech ha-olam Amayn.
Blessed are you , O Lord our god, King of the universe Amen
Janice Stewart, Life in the Vine Ministries@ copyright 2003
Prayer for Israel
Blessed are you O G-d , our G-d the G-d of our Fathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the Father of Yeshua Ha Mashiach our Lord and Savior.
We humbly bow before the throne of Grace during these 40 days of prayer as we seek your face on behalf of your people called by your name, the people of Israel. For we know that it is at your feet where we find the highest place of worship.
May your people called by your name see their promised Jewish Messiah who you spoke of through your prophets of old, may the eyes of their understanding be opened to see , recognize and accept Yeshua as the one promised by You in the Tanakh.
May your people come into a full knowledge of the revelation of the work of Messiah as He has made us one new man in Him. May your people welcome their Messiah home in the Land of Israel.
May the eyes of their understanding be opened. May they embrace Yeshua. May you establish the throne of David in our life time
May you kee p Her in your Shalom until the culmination of all things as you have set them forth in your providential plan. May she take her place as she reveals You to the Nations. We thank you Adonai that your plan for your people Israel will be fulfilled and all Israel will be saved.
Baruch Atah, Adonai Elohaynu, Melech ha-olam Amayn.
Blessed are you , O Lord our god, King of the universe Amen
Janice Stewart, Life in the Vine Ministries@ copyright 2003