May 25
JEHOVAH-NISSI (The Lord our banner),
We thank you for the opportunity to serve you today Lord - as Your people; those who have accepted You as their God, and have taken up a banner to proclaim Your name across this world! Your great name…the name of all names under Heaven and on Earth! Father, as You have called us to be a light unto this world. Let Your one and only Son, Jesus Christ be seen in the faces of each person who serves You in this world. May their hands and feet humbly carry out Your will Lord, and not theirs. Keep the enemy bound from their travels, daily activities, and even from their family and possessions as they serve you today. We ask for your hand of protection for all who go out into this dying world in service to You. We humbly beseech you Father that the seeds that will be planted today might produce luscious vines - and not fall upon harsh ground. That every man and woman in Your service today might praise You from the time that they awake, until the time that they slumber, and that everyone within hearing distance might also seek you today. Lord, we ask that you renew Your Holy Spirit in each of us; that we might walk a righteous path today, and not be lead into temptation. Foster the work in us today, that we might cause the angels in Heaven to be joyous over one sinner who repents, and accepts Your son as their savior. Thank you Father for the plans that You have for us, and the great gift of service that You have bestowed upon us for Your Glory!
We pray this today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Wally Ziolo
Operation Christmas Child
Columbus Area Coordinator
Serving in Kampala, Uganda today...