Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At the conclusion of this years 40-Day Prayer, I would especially like to thank each of you for your faithfulness to this nation, it's people, and our religious heritage. Through our humble and continual prayer and intercession for this county, we hope to be blessed once again by our loving Father. The word of God promises that wherever two or more are gathered in prayer, He will be also (Matthew 18:20). Thank the Lord for His promise to hear our supplication, and answer our fervent prayers. May He richly bless the efforts of our time in seeking His face, and may He shower down the abundant blessings from His great storehouses.
Please celebrate the Independence of this great nation tomorrow (July 4th), and proclaim throughout this land that we are a Christian that serves the God of God's, King of King's, and Lord of Lord's. May we always live in a land where we are free to pray to the one God, creator of all things.
God bless you, and may He hold you free from harm. May we once again gather next year, and again seek His blessings for our nation through prayer.
In Christ,
Wally Ziolo