Father, in heaven, Creator of all things, we ask for your guidance and direction. Our nation was created on the foundations and principles of the Word of God. Now, some are trying to take that away from us. Those in authority over our government and even people who aren’t in authority, these people were all created by you. I know that you love each and every one of them, but are not pleased with some of their actions and words. For those who aren’t walking in Your ways, turn their hearts toward their Creator. Bind the minds of every gov’t official in our nation, whether they work for the local, state, or national govt, to the mind of Christ. So that when they make decisions for our nation, they will be decisions made on Godly principles, even though they may not realize it. Your Word tells us that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. For the Godly men and women who are currently in office, lead them not into temptation to go against your ways, but give them tenacity and endurance to finish their race in accordance with the Word of God. Give them the strength and courage to stand firm! Do not leave them nor forsake them, as you have promised.
As the Godly people of our nation humble themselves right now to pray, you promise that you will heal our land. Heal our land, Lord – destroy everything that sets itself up against you and your Word! And, replace it with all things that are good, pure, lovely, right, virtuous, and acceptable in your sight.
Continue to guard the hearts and minds of all the believers in our nation. Protect each of them mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually as they continue to walk in Your ways. I know that you hear our prayer Father and I know that you will answer our prayer. May you receive all the glory for the good and wonderful things that are happening in our nation! In Jesus name we pray! Amen!
Tamra Reif
GLUED - Glorifying the Lord by Unifying Each Denomination